Tuition and fee costs can be found in the Tuition and Fees section of the website.

Tuition for Credit Courses

All tuition and fees are due and payable during the registration period. Students registering via Self-Service may pay by credit card or personal check (electronic transfer) or agree to a Nelnet Payment Plan during the registration transaction. Students may also pay by cash, check, money order, or credit card (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express). Payments may be made in person at the Orange County Campus or on Main Campus or at the Cashier's Window in the White Building (Building 1) entrance foyer. Students will not receive a bill and are responsible for paying by the established deadlines. Partial payments or credits are not accepted. No refund of a check made payable to 97ɫ will be given to a student except at the written request of the person making the remittance, and the written request must be mailed directly to 97ɫ Student Accounts at 1637 E. Lawson Street, 97ɫ, NC, 27703.

Tuition for Non-credit Courses

Registration fees are listed in the non-credit course schedule under each course description. Additional fees and payment options are outlined on the Non-credit Registration web page.

Tuition for Two Community Colleges

If a student who qualifies for Federal Student Aid enrolls at 97ɫ and another college in the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) during the same term, the total amount of tuition and fees may be paid to the student’s home college, at the discretion of the home college. The home college is the college at which the student initially enrolls for the academic term. Federal regulations allow students to receive Federal Student Aid at only one institution at a time. Students will be responsible for paying any up-front charges at their host school. This arrangement will be made by an exchange of communication between the colleges involved.

Tuition Fee Basis

North Carolina General Statute 115D establishes the NCCCS’s tuition and fees. Tuition charges are for credit hours enrolled. Credit hours are calculated as follows: one lecture hour, two or three laboratory hours, three clinical hours, or 10 work experience hours equal one credit hour. The tuition rate per credit hour applies to all regularly enrolled students. Tuition is subject to change by the North Carolina General Assembly.

Students are charged tuition based on the number of credit hours taken per term up to a maximum amount for students enrolled for 16 or more credit hours per term. Students are not charged for additional credit hours over 16 per term.

Tuition for non-credit courses that are not self-supporting is based on the following formula: 0-24 contact hours = $70; 25-50 contact hours = $125; and 50+ contact hours = $180.

Tuition for Self-Support Courses

Tuition may vary for courses offered as "self-support," which means it is based on the number of students enrolled in each class. Students must pay for all hours taken in self-support courses. Students aged 65 and older and 97ɫ employees must also pay for self-support courses. 

Auditing a Course as a Senior Citizen

In accordance with , Senior Citizens (age 65 years or older on the first day of the course) may audit courses (with the exception of self-supporting courses) at colleges in the North Carolina Community College System without payment of tuition or registration fees. Senior citizens must pay any applicable local fees to audit a course section consistent with the College’s local fee policies. 

View the Course Auditing procedure for more information.

Student Fees

View the current list of course and miscellaneous fees. Please note that all fees are subject to change.

All curriculum students, with the exception of Career and College Promise (CCP), are charged a student administrative fee to support student clubs and activities, computer and technology use, college parking and security, student ID cards, and accident insurance that provides coverage while they are participating in college classes and functions.

A supply fee is charged for some credit courses due to students’ use of a higher-than-average number of supplies.

Students enrolling in non-credit courses may have to pay a College Access, Parking, and Security fee (CAPS); a computer use and technology fee; a materials fee; an insurance fee; and a fee for exams and certifications; depending on the requirements of the course. Students enrolled in classes for which tuition is waived are not required to pay the CAPS fee.

Adult High School students do not pay a parking fee or a student ID fee.

Transcript Fee

A fee is charged for each official copy of a student’s transcript. There is no charge for unofficial copies. Students can access and print an unofficial copy via Self-Service or request a copy stamped “issued to student” from Admissions, Registration, and Records.

View the Order Transcripts web page.

Books and Supplies

Students may purchase most textbooks, supplies, instruments, and other course materials from the campus bookstore. The cost of books and supplies varies with each program.

View the 97ɫ Bookstore web page.

Student Insurance

97ɫ students may be eligible to purchase Community College Student Insurance (CCSI). Learn more about . 97ɫ does not provide a student health insurance plan through the College.

Student Insurance

97ɫ students may be eligible to purchase Community College Student Insurance (CCSI). Learn more about . 97ɫ does not offer a student health insurance plan.

Malpractice and Health Insurance

Students enrolling in nursing and other Health and Wellness programs that require clinical or patient care instruction are required to pay a fee for malpractice and health insurance. For more information, contact the appropriate program director

Insurance for Study/Travel Abroad

The cost of insurance for students participating in Study/Travel Abroad is included in the study abroad program fees.

Additional Expenses

Students in certain programs may incur additional expenses, such as the cost of lab coats, miscellaneous supplies, and professional liability insurance.

View a list of Course Supply and Miscellaneous Fees.

Course Cancellations and Refund Procedures

Tuition refunds for credit and noncredit classes are subject to specific requirements. View the Course Cancellation and Refunds procedure. For curriculum deadlines visit the Drop, Withdrawal, and Refund Deadlines web page.