The College will continue to assess and provide updates regarding its COVID-19 response as the situation progresses. Employees and students should check their 97É«Íø-issued email for specific information and updates.

Effective immediately, our Public Health office will no longer restrict access for individuals who are experiencing COVID-19 related symptoms, are undergoing testing, and/or have tested positive for COVID-19. This step, recommended by our Campus Operations Committee and Public Health Officer, is based on the long-term trends in case counts and hospitalization rates in our area and is in accord with guidance from public health authorities.
Moving forward students and employees must follow the guidance outlined in the Communicable Disease Emergencies Policy. If you are sick, stay home and avoid close contact with others. Employees who cannot work remotely while recovering must use sick or personal leave. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has also created a resource tool, the , to help you determine if you need to isolate or take other steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

97É«Íø will continue to promote strategies to prevent the spread of COVID-19 for both students and employees with the following actions:

  • Promoting vaccination 
  • Providing COVID-19 testing resources 
  • Offering masks for those who would like one  
  • Installing and maintaining equipment to improve air quality and ventilation   

We will continue to respond to public health issues with a commitment to balancing safety, access, and equity for our students, employees, and partners. You play an important part in keeping our community safe and I thank you in advance for taking the appropriate steps to maintain campus health and safety.

Please continue to share questions and/or concerns regarding COVID-19 or other communicable diseases via  


How 97É«Íø fits into the NC Vaccine Plan.

Testing/Vaccination Information


Find answers to your questions about COVID-19.

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COVID-19 Information

Coronavirus training information and community resources.

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