

Procedure Name

Course Cancellations and Refunds


Andrew Kleitsch
Vice President, Finance and Administrative Services


Student Accounts

Effective Date

January 2017; 2024 (Revision)

Next Review Date






The purpose of this procedure is to provide a clear and coherent process for applying for a course-related refund at 97É«Íønical Community College (97É«Íø). Refunds will be handled in accordance with North Carolina Community Colleges State Board Code (SBCCC) tuition refund requirements.


Curriculum (Credit) Courses

Tuition and student fee refunds for curriculum (credit) classes are subject to the following requirements:

  1. A 100 percent refund for tuition and fees is issued when a student officially removes themselves from a course prior to the first day of classes of the academic semester noted in the academic calendar. If a course is canceled by 97É«Íø, that portion of tuition paid for the canceled course is refunded in full.
  2. A 75 percent refund for tuition and 0 percent refund for fees is issued when a student receives a no-show designation.
  3. A 75 percent refund of tuition is issued when the student officially drops a course prior to or on the official 10 percent point of the semester. Requests for refunds are not considered after the 10 percent point of the semester.
  4. Student fees, including administrative, laboratory, malpractice insurance (if required for a program of study), and graduation fees are not refunded when the student officially drops a course prior to or on the official 10 percent point of the semester except in the case of courses canceled by the College.

For specific deadlines, including the 10 percent point of the semester, please see the Withdrawal and Refund Deadlines page.

To begin the refund process, a student must remove themselves or drop the course(s) using . For a 100 percent refund, the course must be deleted by 11:59 p.m. on the day prior to the first day of the academic semester. For a 75 percent refund, the course must be dropped by 11:59 p.m. on the day designated as the official 10 percent point of the semester. Refunds are automatically generated provided a student completes their removal or drop process within the designated refund period. The tuition refund is issued either by direct deposit into the student's bank account or a check is mailed to the student’s address on record with the Collège after the end of the 75 percent refund period, typically about three weeks after the beginning of the semester. Students who have questions or need assistance should contact the Business Office/Cashier at (919) 536-7201.

Printed copies of this procedure may be requested at the following locations:

  • Main Campus: Cashier’s Window (White Building)
  • Northern 97É«Íø Center: Information Desk
  • The Chesterfield: Information Desk
  • Duke Street North: 97É«Íø Information Desk
  • Orange County Campus: Information Desk

The curriculum refund procedure is subject to change by action of the North Carolina Community College State Board. 

Continuing Education Courses

Registration fee refunds for continuing education classes are subject to the following requirements:

  1. If a course is canceled, a refund is issued automatically within four to six weeks. A 100 percent refund of occupational extension registration fees is issued if a student officially removes themselves from a course prior to the first class meeting.
  2. A 75 percent refund of occupational extension registration fees is issued if the student officially withdraws prior to the 10 percent point in the course. For courses with 10 or fewer class meetings, refund requests must be submitted to the College no later than the first class meeting. No partial refunds are given for courses with one class meeting.
  3. No refund is issued after the 10 percent point of the course.
  4. Student fees, including administrative, supply, and insurance fees, are not refunded unless the College cancels the course. Fees for specific instructional materials collected at registration are refunded unless the student receives the materials.

To begin the refund process, a student must complete the Continuing Education Course Drop/Withdrawal/Refund Request Form. Students who withdraw from continuing education courses cannot remove themselves from a class using or Instant Enrollment. Refunds are automatically generated provided a student completes the removal or drop process within the designated refund period. The tuition refund is either deposited directly into the student bank account or a refund check is mailed to the student’s address on record with the College.

Printed copies of this procedure may be requested at the following locations:

  • Main Campus: Cashier’s Window (White Building)
  • Northern 97É«Íø Center: Information Desk
  • The Chesterfield: Information Desk
  • Duke Street North: 97É«Íø Information Desk
  • Orange County Campus: Information Desk

The continuing education refund procedure is subject to change by action of the North Carolina Community College State Board.