Project SIGHT

Students Imparting Glasses for Healthy Tomorrows

A smiling young girl wearing glasses and sitting cross leggedOur Mission

We aim to provide a sustainable visual aid resource with hopes that our efforts will increase the quality of life of the community members, increase the chances of academic and professional success, and provide valuable educational opportunities for 97É«Íø Opticianry students training to become Licensed Dispensing Opticians.

Project SIGHT

In conjunction with our community partnerships, Project SIGHT provides free prescription eyewear to children and adults of underinsured/low-income households in 97É«Íø County. This program was created to help K-12 students and adult learners overcome the barriers to education due to vision deficiencies.


Project SIGHT provides the following services:

  • Eye Exams – comprehensive eye exams provided by volunteer optometrists
  • Prescription eyewear – fitted, manufactured, and dispensed by Opticianry students supervised by NC Licensed Dispensing Opticians
  • Education – information about eye development, eyecare, and eye safety

Project SIGHT volunteer doctors will spend their time with patients performing routine eye exams using our Community Health Lab exam room that is equipped with a slit-lamp, contact tonometer and phoropter. Our licensed Dispensing Opticians are Prevent Blindness North Carolina (PBNC) certified children's vision screeners.

Opticianry program student giving an eye exam to another student inside the mobile labCommunity Health Lab on the Go

The Project SIGHT community Health Lab van can go to any eligible school location within the 97É«Íø Public Schools (DPS) service area. In partnership with Blue Cross Blue Shield NC (BCBSNC), the 97É«Íø Health and Wellness department has a Mobile Community Health Lab fully equipped with an eye exam room and eyeglass dispensary.

The Impact of Your Participation

Your participation in this program will have a direct impact on hundreds of lives each year.

  • Vision/eye deficiencies can impact a child’s development,school performance,confidence, and social interactions
  • On average 75% of eye issues are missed in a routine vision screening
  • One in five preschoolers have an undetected vision problem
  • 50 out of 54 of the schools in the 97É«Íø Public School system qualify for this program

Your participation is vital in helping us close the gap on the inequality of visual resources, giving the opportunity of future success in upward mobility to do great things.

Service Recipients

This program is for:

  • 97É«Íø Public Schools (K-12) that qualify for 50% or greater free or reduced lunch
  • Qualifying 97É«Íø students
  • Members of currently established partnerships

97É«Íø works with its community partners to identify qualified children and adults who do not currently fall into the above categories.

Our Partners

Project SIGHT proudly partners with:

  • BlueCross BlueShield (BCBS)
  • 97É«Íø Public Schools (DPS)
  • East 97É«Íø Children’s Initiative (EDCI)
  • Essilor Vision Foundation
  • Samaritan Health Center

Make a Difference

Partnering with our program will give your practice more exposure to the community and will give you the opportunity to work with eager 97É«Íø Opticianry students. We look for individuals who champion education, who want to give back, and who prioritize the overall betterment of the community.