View Financial Aid information for Continuing Education (non-credit) courses. Students can also reach out to student services, student academic advisors, and program directors for more information on possible funding opportunities.

The Short-term Workforce Development (STWD) grant is a state-funded financial aid program for eligible Workforce Continuing Education (WCE) students pursuing high-demand, family-sustaining wage credentials through a North Carolina Community College. The STWD grant funding includes up to $750.00 towards the cost of tuition, fees, books, supplies, credentialing tests, transportation, childcare, and other components of the total cost of attendance for eligible courses. 

Please read the eligibility information below before applying for the grant:

  • In order to be approved for this grant you must have a Residency Certification Number (RCN) to verify NC residency. The RCN number will be requested on the grant application. Visit the NC Residency Determination Service (RDS) website at to complete the application to retrieve your Residency Certification Number that is unique to you. If you have an existing College Foundation of North Carolina (CFNC) account or already have an RCN, please use your current account information to sign in. Do not create a new account.
  • In addition, applicants must be enrolled or are planning to enroll, in an eligible program or course leading to a credential.

The STWD Grant is currently unavailable.

More Information

Grant application submission and approval

After students enroll in the course and obtain a Residency Certification Number (RCN), submit the online grant application. Once the application has been reviewed and approved, students will receive an email detailing when they can expect to receive the grant award. Timing will be different for each student, depending upon their application and the start and end date of the course/program.

Attendance Requirements

Applicants must attend the class with the goal to be successful to completion. If a student does not show up for the course, and is designated a “no-show,” the tuition costs will be forfeited.

How are the funds disbursed?

The STWD grant funding includes up to $750.00 for tuition costs for eligible courses. Once the scholarship for tuition is placed on the student's account, students will be notified of their approval.

It is highly recommended that applicants first reach out to their program directors for assistance with course registration to prevent having to pay tuition costs up front. See below to learn how to set up direct deposit into a bank account.

Computer Laptops Program

Technology Assistance: Free and low-cost computer and internet options are available, including discounted, newly refurbished computers available for purchase. See Computer and Internet Assistance for details. Contact Antonio McNeill with questions about computer or internet assistance at or call 919-536-7200, ext. 1418.

For International Students

If you are having challenges with communication due to language barriers, please reach out to the Center for Global Learning, Jesus Gomez-Cespedes at or call at 919-536-7200, ext. 3228. 

General Questions

How do I set up direct deposit?

Direct Deposit allows students to receive refunds quicker and more securely than by check through automatic deposit of funds to the student’s bank account. Follow the link to learn How to Enroll in Direct Deposit through Self-Service (PDF)

Updating Self-Service Account Information

Sign into Self-Service and ensure that the address, phone number, and personal email are up-do-date. If a change is needed, submit the appropriate change of request form through the .

Do I need to pay back the money at some point?

No. This is a federal, state, or local grant and you will never be asked to pay the money back.

Will this grant funding count as income against end of year taxes?

No. Students will not receive a 1099 or 1098-T tax form and will not count grant funding as income. 

What to do if the funds were never received

Contact Emma Robinson at 919-536-7209, ext. 1507 or email Students can also contact Ms. Lori Henson, at

Are there other grant funding opportunities available?

View Financial Aid information for Continuing Education (non-credit) courses. Students can also reach out to student services, student academic advisors, and program directors for more information on possible funding opportunities.

Emergency Financial Assistance

Students requiring additional assistance should complete the . Students taking credit courses can reach out to their Financial Aid advisor.

All other students can apply to the Emergency Financial Assistance Program or email for assistance with basic needs (housing, food, etc.).

Eligible Courses

Please check back as additional courses are being added.

Career FieldCourseCredential
Architecture, ConstructionHVAC Heating (AHR-3131D)
HVAC Cooling (AHR-3131E)
These courses do not prepare the student completely for the certification exam. Contact the program director for additional information.
Universal R-410a Certification
Business, Management AdministrationCosmetology (COS-3201CA-E)
Natural Hair Specialist (COS-3104NA and COS-3104NB)
NC Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners
Business, Management AdministrationEssentials of Human Resource Mgmt (MLS-3809D)HRCI Associate Professional in Human Resource (aPHR®)
FinanceAccident & Health Insurance Prelicensing (SEF-AHIP)NC: Health Insurance Agent
FinanceLife Insurance Prelicensing (SEF-LIPL)NC: Life Insurance Agent
Health SciencesMedical Administrative Assistant w/EHR (OST-3000A)
Electronic Health Records (a component of the course listed above)
NHA Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA);
NHA Certified Electronic Health Records Specialist (CEHRS)
Health SciencesMedical Coding I (OSC-3030A) and Medical Coding II (OSC-3030B) - prerequisite course requiredAAPC Certified Professional Coder CPC®;
AHiMA Certified Coding Associate (CCA®)
Health SciencesCentral Sterile Processing (PHM-3002A)Sterile Processing and Distribution Technician;
Certified Registered Central Service Technician
Health SciencesNurse Aide I (NAS-3240A or NAS-3240B)
Nurse Aide I Refresher (NAS-3242A)
NC: Nurse Aide I
Health SciencesNurse Aide II (NAS-3241A)
Nurse Aide II Refresher (NAS-3253A)
Nurse Aide I certification is a prerequisite
NC: Nurse Aide II
Health SciencesPhlebotomy (PBT-3022A)ASPT Patient Care Technician
Health SciencesMassage Therapy I (MTH-3021A) and Massage Therapy II (MTH-3021B)Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist
Information TechnologyCompTIA A+ Certification, Core 1 and 2 (CTS-3255A)CompTIA A+
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and SecurityEPT-4100 NIMS: ICS 100 and ICS 700
EPT-4200 NIMS: ICS 200
EPT-4300 NIMS: ICS 300
EPT-4400 NIMS: ICS 400
EPT-4800 NIMS: ICS 800
Contact for more information
National Incident Management System
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and SecurityEMS-4400B Advanced Airway Management
EMS-4400D EMS Clinical Practicum I
EMS-4400C Cardiology
EMS-4400G EMS Clinical Practicum II
EMS-4400O Pharmacology
EMS-4400J Trauma Emergencies
EMS-4400E Cardiology II
EMS-4400H Patients with Special Challenges
EMS-4400I Medical Emergencies
EMS-4400K Life Span
EMS-4400L EMS Clinical Practicum III
EMS-4400M EMS Capstone
EMS-4400N EMS Clinical Practicum IV               
EMS-4200A EMT Initial Provider
View information about the Paramedic (non-credit) program
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and SecurityFIP-3031A Firefighter 2019 - Block 01
FIP-3032A Firefighter 2019 - Block 02
FIP-3033A Firefighter 2019 - Block 03
FIP-3040A FF General and communications
FIP-3041A FF Fireground Operations 1
FIP-3042A FF Fireground Operations 2
FIP-3043A FF Fireground Operations 3
FIP-3044A FF Fireground Operations 4
FIP-3045A FF Fireground Operations 5
FIP-3046A FF Fireground Operations 6
FIP-3047A FF Fireground Operations 7
FIP-3048A FF Fireground Operations 8
FIP-3049A FF Fireground Operations
FIP-3050A FF Rescue Operations
FIP-3051A FF Fire Life Safety Initiative
View the Fire Services Extension webpage
Firefighter I and Firefighter II
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and SecurityTelecommunicator Certification (CJC-3942A)
Emergency Dispatch (EME-3500A)
NC: Sheriffs’ Telecommunicator Certification
Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and SecurityBasic Detention Officer Certification (CJC-3941A)NC: Sheriffs’ Detention Officer Certification
MarketingReal Estate Prelicensing (RLS-3700C)NC: Real Estate License


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