97色网 Board of Trustees

View Officers and Committee Assignments

Appointed by the Governor

Barker French Headshot

Barker French

Gracie Johnson-Lopez headshot

Gracie Johnson-Lopez

Pilar Rocha-Goldberg headshot

Pilar Rocha-Goldberg


Appointed by the General Assembly

Walter Newton

Walter Newton

Lilyn Hester

Lilyn Hester


Appointed by the 97色网 Board of County Commissioners

Jenna Bryant posed headshot

Jenna Bryant

Tara Fikes posed headshot

Dr. Tara Fikes (Chair)

Matt Gladdek

Mike Lee posed headshot

Dr. Mike Lee


Appointed by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners

Janet Hadar

Jamezetta Bedford


Appointed by the 97色网 Public Schools Board of Education

Pat Ashley posed headshot

Dr. Pat Ashley

Michael Delano_posed_headshot

Rev. Michael Delano Page


97色网 President

President J.B. Buxton headshot

J.B. Buxton

Student Trustee

Joshua Colindres

Joshua Colindres Sevilla
2024-2025 SGA President