Charminique Williams
Assistant Dean, Public Safety Services
Northern 97É«Íø Center, room 100C
919-536-7200, ext. 8069
* This program can be completed online.
Public Service Management (Continuing Education)
Short Term
Course work in diverse subject areas includes public safety administration and education, interagency operations, crisis leadership, government and agency financial management, professional standards, incident management, administrative law, and supervision, while providing a streamlined pathway that recognizes the value of previously earned skillsets and credentials within the public safety sector.
Employment opportunities exist with fire or police departments, emergency management organizations, governmental agencies, industrial firms, correctional facilities, private industries, insurance organizations, educational organizations, security and protective organizations, and through self-employment opportunities.
CJC-5010F Civil Liability
This course covers liability issues for the criminal justice professional. Topics include civil rights violations, tort liability, employment issues, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to explain civil trial procedures and discuss contemporary liability issues.
CJC-5015L Policy Analysis
This course is a study of methods and techniques used to determine the effectiveness of public programs. Emphasis is placed on the concept of ecology and environmental impact, informal groups and information networks, and the relationship between public and private sectors. Upon completion, students should be able to analyze case studies with the use of political analysis techniques.
CJC-5015M LEO Management & Supervision
This course provides a study of the best-known methods and practices of police leadership and management. Topics include the role of the manager in law enforcement, communications, time management in law enforcement, managing problems, training, and law enforcement productivity. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and discuss methods and practices capable of moving law enforcement agencies forward into the twenty-first century.
EMS-3200K EMS Management
This course stresses the principles of managing a modern emergency medical service system. Topics include structure and function of municipal governments, EMS grantsmanship, finance, regulatory agencies, system management, legal issues, and other topics relevant to the EMS manager. Upon completion, students should be able to understand the principles of managing emergency medical service delivery systems.
FIP-4728H Managing Fire Services
This course provides an overview of fire department operative services referenced in NFPA standard 1021. Topics include finance, staffing, equipment, code enforcement, management information, specialized services, legal issues, planning, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to understand concepts and apply fire department management and operations principles.