smiling teacher assisting elementary student with an assignment


Cathy Collie-Robinson
Building 8, room 103K
919-536-7200, ext. 8057

Education (Continuing Education)

Short Term

Learn how to be an effective substitute teacher or assistant teacher. Core topics will focus on skills for basic classroom management, childhood development, and instructional techniques.

The Effective Teacher Training course can be completed online in just 30 hours and prepare students for immediate employment.

Students interested in becoming a Licensed Birth-Kindergarten, Elementary, or Middle School Teacher can learn more about our Early Childhood Education programs.

EDU-3020A Intro to Trauma & Resilience

Today, perhaps more than any other time, we need trauma-informed parents, teachers, faculty, staff, and institutions to address the needs of children and teens who have experienced traumatic events. In this Continuing Education Course, students will be introduced to key concepts, resources, and strategies that can be useful in day-to-day interactions with students and in classrooms. By the end of the course, students will have a richer understanding of what it means to use trauma-informed practices and infuse trauma-informed approaches in organizations.
Dates Location Building Room Time Format
6/16 - 6/27

EDU-3119A Intro to Early Childhood Educa

This course introduces the foundations of culturally responsive, equitable and inclusive early childhood education, planning intentional developmentally appropriate experiences, learning activities, and teaching strategies for indoor and outdoor environments for all young children, guidance techniques, and professionalism. Topics include theoretical foundations, national early learning standards, NC Foundations for Early Learning and Development, state regulations, program types, career options, professionalism, ethical conduct, quality inclusive environments, guidance techniques, and curriculum responsive to the needs of each child/family. Upon completion, students should be able to implement developmentally appropriate environments, guidance techniques, schedules, and teaching strategies across developmental domains to support culturally, linguistically, and ability diverse children and their families in inclusive settings, and design a personal career/professional development plan.
Dates Location Building Room Time Format
5/27 - 7/21