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Speaking at Planning Committee

97色网 is committed to extending public involvement in the planning process.

The planning application process involves extensive consultation and neighbour notification procedures. In addition, this page explains the procedure for applicants/agents, supporters, objectors and Town/Community Councils to speak at the Planning Committee. 

Third parties may only speak if the application is on the agenda. Public speaking will be considered at the first Committee meeting at which the application is considered but also at subsequent meetings should the application have been deferred or a site visit requested. The protocol does not apply to County Councillors except any who have declared a personal and prejudicial interest (who are entitled to speak for a maximum of 5 minutes) The conduct of the meeting is for the Chair to determine and in exceptional circumstances the Chair has the discretion to depart from this protocol.

Planning Committee is usually held every 4 weeks on a Wednesday afternoon, starting at 13:00 hours. The meeting is a hybrid meeting allowing attendance either in person in the Council Chamber, County Hall, Mold or virtually via an online meeting platform. The Meeting is livestreamed on the Council website and a recording of the meeting is subsequently uploaded.

Requesting to Speak at Committee

Anyone who has made written comments can request to speak at committee, but we can only allow one person to speak for (usually the applicant or agent) and another against the proposal. A representative of the Town/Community Council can also register to speak.

Where an application on which you have made written representations is to be determined by Committee (as opposed to a delegated decision), we will contact you once the committee date is known, giving you an opportunity to register to speak. Requests must be received by the date in the notification letter which is normally 48 hours before the scheduled committee meeting and your request details will be logged on a database

When you have been notified of the committee date and you’d like to register to speak at committee, contact us by email planning.committee@flintshire.gov.uk. You will be required to provide your name, and daytime telephone number, email address, which application you wish to speak on and whether you support or object to the proposal (in line with the representations you have made and whom you are representing eg applicant/agent, Town/Community Council or member of the public.

The applicant/agent will have priority over others who may wish to speak in support of the application. Where multiple requests to speak against the application have been received, we will register the first person to contact us. However, we will ask that person if they wish to be provided with the contact details of the other parties who have requested to speak to allow those who have similar views to see if an agreement can be reached as to who is to speak.

When the list of speakers is compiled the applicant/agent (or first person for) and the first person against on the list who expressed an interest will be notified and advised as to:

  • the recommendation
  • where the report can be inspected
  • arrangements for attending the Committee
  • arrangements for submission of a statement to be read out on your behalf
  • a link to this page 

If the first person for or against on the list decides not to speak, the second person on the list will be contacted and so on.

The agenda and reports will be available at least three working days before the meeting 

Any additional information received after the reports have been written will be circulated to the members of the Committee as late observations. Further comments on the application must be received by 12pm on the Monday before the Committee meeting. Comments received after this deadline will not be included in the late observations information that is issued to the Members of the Committee before the meeting and will only be reported verbally at the meeting with the agreement of the Chair/Vice Chair.

Planning Committee Day

  • If you have chosen to join the meeting virtually then you will have received instructions and a meeting link from Committee Services.
  • If you have chosen to submit a statement rather than speak at the Committee then this will be read out by an officer (or other representative) at the required time
  • If attending in person at 12:45, you will be greeted by a member of the Development Management Team who will explain where you will sit and the procedures.
  • The Chair will have been notified as to the list of speakers before the meeting starts.
  • The Chair will open the meeting and if necessary explain any changes to the agenda.
  • The Planning Officer will briefly introduce the application by reference to the proposal and outline any key points or issues.
  • The Chair will call forward the first speaker against the application, followed by the speaker in support of the application and then the representative of the Town / Community Council, provided they have given their notice of their wish to speak in accordance with the protocol.
  • Each speaker will sit at a prescribed position with a microphone and be given a maximum of three minutes to put his/her case forward. Once the speaker starts the committee clerk will start a clock that will make an audible signal once the three minutes are up. Anyone exceeding the three minutes will be asked to close their statement and return to their seat before another speaker is invited to the microphone.

Preparing your Statement to Planning Committee

  • Before speaking at committee you should prepare a clear, concise statement, backed up with evidence, explaining why you think the planning application you are interested in should be approved or refused.
  • The Planning Committee considers all applications on planning grounds only. If you raise issues that the committee cannot normally consider, then the committee will not be able to take those into account.
  • You will not be allowed to distribute or display any written or photographic material, therefore when preparing your statement, you should try to explain:
    • How, in your opinion, the proposals comply or conflict with current planning policies (e.g. the Local Development Plan) and relevant planning guidance issued by the Council
    • What effects, if any, the proposals will have on neighbouring property
    • The main advantages or disadvantages for you and the wider community
  • The contents of your speech should not make personal criticisms of any individuals or use bad language otherwise the chair may terminate your speech. The committee normally transacts its business in the English language and if you wish to address the committee in Welsh please indicate this when applying to speak so that translation facilities can be arranged.

The lists below outline issues that can and cannot normally be considered but these are not exhaustive

Issues the committee can normally consider

  • Overshadowing
  • Overlooking and loss of privacy
  • Adequate parking and servicing
  • Overbearing nature of the proposal
  • Loss of trees
  • Loss of ecological habitats
  • Design and appearance
  • Layout and density of buildings
  • Effect on Listed Building(s) and
  • Conservation Areas
  • Access and highway safety
  • Traffic generation
  • Noise and disturbance from the scheme
  • Disturbance from smells
  • Public visual amenity (not loss of private individual’s view)
  • Flood risk.
  • Employment Generation

Issues the committee cannot normally consider

  • Loss of value to individual property
  • Loss of view
  • Boundary disputes including encroachment of foundations or gutters
  • Private covenants or agreements
  • The applicant’s personal conduct or history
  • The applicant’s motives
  • Potential profit for the applicant or from the application
  • Private rights to light
  • Private rights to way
  • Damage to property
  • Disruption during any construction phase
  • Loss of trade and competition
  • Age, health, status, background and work patterns of the objector
  • Time taken to do the work
  • Capacity of private drains
  • Building and structural techniques
  • Alcohol, gaming or other licences

After you have Spoken

The application will be discussed by the committee with a mover and seconder of a recommendation before the debate begins. Members of the public must not speak to or pass information to Members of the Committee while it is in session. The Chair will report the decision to the public and the committee clerk will minute who actually spoke at the committee.


It is the role of the Chairperson to maintain order and discipline at Planning Committee. Members of the public can watch proceedings but cannot address the meeting unless invited to do so. At all other times, the public should keep as quiet as possible. If a member of the public interrupts the proceedings or is otherwise disruptive, then he or she may be asked by the Chairperson to leave the room.

Webcasting Notice

These meetings may be filmed for live and/or subsequent broadcasts on the Council’s website or may be used for training purposes within the Council. The whole of the meeting will be filmed, except where there are confidential or exempt items, and the footage will be on the website indefinitely.

Generally the public seating areas are not filmed. However, by entering the Chamber you are consenting to being filmed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings for webcasting and / or training purposes.

If you have any queries regarding this, please contact a member of the Democratic Services Team on 01352 702345