Planning decisions & Committee
If you have a query please try and submit this via email directly to the officer. If you do not know the officer’s email address please use the following address:
- For planning matters email
- For building regulations email
- For highway development email
How we reach a decision, who we consult, what type of decision can be made, how long it takes and what happens afterwards is explained in the document below.
Planning code of practice 2014
How we deal with a planning application
We issue a formal decision notice to the applicant (or agent) for every application within 3 working days of the decision being made. It clearly states whether permission is granted or refused and any conditions attached.
View a planning decision notice
Notices are made available within 3 working days of the decision being made.
A copy of any decision notice for an application can be viewed and printed from our online Planning Register without charge. We also issue a .
Alternatively visit us at at Ty Dewi Sant, St. Davids Park, Ewloe, CH5 3FF (8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday) to view decisions in person.
Copies of decision notices issued before 01/09/06 are held in storage so please email to arrange a viewing.
If you need to obtain a signed formal printed copy e.g. before selling / buying a house please contact Planning Admin (details above).
Get involved in the decision making process
A Planning Officer will take account of comments made in support of or in opposition to an application before they make their decision. Have your say view and comment on planning applications.
Planning & Development Control Committee
The main purpose of the Committee is to consider major planning applications. Councillors representing local residents can also request that applications go to the Committee for a decision. Meetings are held approximately every four weeks at: The Council Chamber, County Hall, Mold.
This page explains the procedure for applicants/agents, supporters, objectors and Town/Community Councils to speak at the Planning & Development Control Committee.
Speaking at Planning Committee.