Candidate Sites
A key element of the evidence base is the identification of sites for possible inclusion within the Plan. The Council undertook a ‘Call for Candidate Sites’ whereby any interested persons could put forward land to be considered by the Council as potential allocations in the Plan. By submitting a Candidate Site it must be stressed that there is no guarantee that the site will be included in the Plan.
The period for submitting Candidate Sites commenced on 28/02/14 and ended at 5.00pm on 30/05/14. A Guidance Note prepared to explain the process of submitting a Candidate Site and this can be viewed by clicking on the link. A Submission Form was also produced to assist in the submission of sites and this can be viewed by clicking on the link.
The Call for Candidate Sites resulted in 734 sites being promoted for development, or to be protected from development. The sites have now been processed, formal acknowledgement letters sent out and the Candidate Site Register is now available for inspection.
The Council published a Draft Methodology and Assessment Process document setting out the methodology by which the LDP Candidate Sites will be assessed. The Draft Methodology was the subject of a 6 week consultation exercise which ran between Monday 9th March and Monday 20th April 2015. Representations made to the Draft Methodology were considered by the Planning Strategy Group on 21st May 2015.
As a result a number of changes have been made to the which are set out in this report. The Candidate Sites Assessment Methodology document is also available for inspection at Council Offices and at libraries.
In due course the Council will publish a report setting out whether or not candidate site submissions have been successful or not. However, before this is done the Council must agree its Preferred Strategy (Pre-Deposit Consultation Plan) i.e. the level of growth to be provided by the Plan and how that growth will be distributed spatially across the County. Candidate sites which have been assessed as being ‘technically’ acceptable will then be compared with the Plan Strategy in order to determine which sites will be included in the deposit plan. It is at this stage that the outcome of the candidate sites assessment will be published.
Further Call for Candidate Sites – Minerals and Waste - Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation
Alternative Sites Register
Between 9th November and 21st December 2017 the Council carried out a six week public consultation on the Preferred Strategy of the Local Development Plan (LDP). As part of that consultation, there was an opportunity for new or alternative sites to be submitted by interested parties for consideration for inclusion in the next phase of plan preparation which is the Deposit Plan stage.
Only new sites or amendments to existing sites were accepted as alternative sites. These are in addition to the Sites contained within the Candidate Sites Register, which can be viewed by Clicking this link. All of these sites will be considered together for their suitability for inclusion in the LDP. These alternative sites have been compiled into a register by officers of the Council which is available to view by following the instructions below. It should be noted that the inclusion of an alternative site within the register does not represent a commitment on the part of the Council to take sites forward for inclusion in the LDP. It is however possible that some sites submitted as alternative sites may be put forward for allocation at the Deposit Plan stage – the next stage of plan preparation.
Ultimately, the decision to include a site in the LDP or not remains with an independent Planning Inspector following the Examination in Public.The Register is being made available for information only and representations on the Alternative Sites will not be accepted. If, following assessment of submitted sites, a particular site was to be included in the LDP then there will be an opportunity for representations to be made when the Plan is formally consulted upon later in the process.
How to look for an Alternative Site:
Please click on the County map below to search for submitted Alternative Sites.
Alternative Sites County map (PDF)
Further details on an Alternative Site can be found by opening the register below and searching by settlement.
The register is arranged alphabetically in settlement order e.g Alltami – ALLT009 – AS, Bagillt – BAG016 – AS. Each site has a schedule containing a plan showing the site boundary and key information including site/settlement name, site area, existing and proposed use.
Alternative Sites Register (PDF)