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LDP topic papers

The Council has prepared a set of 18 summary Topic Papers on a range of issues and topics.  Each Topic Paper sets out the relevant guidance for the particular topic and identifies the relevant issues that the Plan will need to address as well as possible policy approaches to be incorporated in the Plan.  The Topic Papers are intended to provide an early opportunity for stakeholders and the public to have an input in the Plan in terms of identifying issues which the Plan should be tackling and ideas as to how these issues should be addressed. 

The Topic Papers were the subject of a 6 week consultation period commencing Monday 9th March and ending on Monday 20th April 2015.  Representations on the Topic Papers were considered by the Planning Strategy Group on May 2015 and a number of changes have been made to certain Topic Papers as set out in this report.  The Topic Papers are also available for inspection at Council Offices and at libraries. 

15. Energy