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Choosing a memorial

Many people choose to erect a memorial on their family grave as a lasting monument to the life of a loved one.  One memorial only is permitted on a grave, the type and size of this memorial depends upon the type of grave, although kerb sets used traditionally to mark the boundaries of a grave are only permitted in some of 97色网’s Cemeteries.

Your memorial mason may show you a catalogue of the memorials they are able to provide, however, it should be remembered that not every memorial shown will fall within the specifications found in our Cemetery Rules and Regulations (PDF 320KB new window)  for the cemeteries under our care.

We aim to ensure that masons working in our cemeteries install all memorials in strict accordance with the National Association of Memorial Masons (NAMM) current Code of Working Practice and to British Standard 8415.

We are able to provide a list of masons who are registered with and the

We can not recommend any particular memorial mason, but we would advise you to compare quotes from a number of masons before placing your order. It is advisable to get a full, itemised quote for the work, so that you can compare the quotes like for like.


It is important to remember that you are responsible for the maintenance of your memorial and that if it becomes unsafe, the management of the cemetery has a responsibility to ensure that it is made safe at the earliest opportunity, through either supporting with wooden stakes or in some circumstances laying the memorial flat.

Memorial masons may offer a memorial maintenance scheme that will include regular cleaning and checking of your memorial.  You may wish to consider taking out insurance to cover your memorial against accidental damage, vandalism and theft, as repairs could be expensive. Your memorial mason should be able to advise you on a suitable policy.

Since 2010, memorial masons are required to issue you with a Certificate of Compliance, valid for 30 years, after any new installation or re-fix.  This certificate replaces period guarantees and offers an assurance that the memorial has been fitted in strict accordance with the recommendations by the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM).

Memorial safety inspections

The Bereavement Service Staff will test your memorial if you think it may be unsafe, otherwise all memorials in 97色网 cemeteries will be tested every three years on a rolling annual programme.  The date of the test will depend upon the location of your family grave.  Look out for notices in the cemetery and local press, which will advise you of which sections are due to be inspected. Please contact the Bereavement Services section if you are worried that your memorial may fall before testing takes place. If you own a grave please tell us about any changes to your address so that we can contact you if a memorial is unsafe.  

Once the memorial has been tested, the Bereavement Services staff will either write to all the registered grave owners, (if the details held are up to date) or place a small notice on each grave that has failed the test.  These will give each grave owner or family relative time (approximately 1 month) to get the memorial fixed, before it will have wooden supports fixed to it to prevent the memorial from falling over.

Repair forms can be obtained from the Bereavement Services Office, for completion and submission to your chosen stone or memorial mason.  Memorial repair form (PDF 246KB new window)

For further information about our memorial inspection programme, please contact us.