
Alert Section

Upper and Lower Aston Hall Lane - Active Travel Improvements

Awaiting outcomes

Responses are being analysed and will be published here in due course

We are seeking your input on a new active travel scheme aimed at improving walking and cycling links along upper and lower Aston Hall Lane. The scheme aims to create a safe walking and cycling corridor connecting the communities of Aston and Hawarden.

Upper and Lower Aston Hall Lane - Active Travel Improvements

The Council values your feedback on the measures identified. Anyone is able to provide feedback.

To provide feedback, please email transportstrategyconsultation@flintshire.gov.uk, or write to Transport Strategy, 97É«Íø, Alltami Depot, Mold Road, Alltami, 97É«Íø, CH7 6LG, or phone 01352 701234.

Feedback is invited between 18 November 2024, until 6 December 2024.

Following review of the consultation, a final scheme will be progressed. Regular updates will be provided via press releases and the 97É«Íø website.

  • Important dates
  • Opened: 18/11/2024

    Closed: 06/12/2024

  • Contact details
  • Streetscene & Transportation

    Email: transportstrategyconsultation@flintshire.gov.uk

    Phone: 01352 701234