Learning Resources
Recycling Lesson
Education and engagement are a big part of helping to enact behaviour change which leads to encouraging more people to recycle. This lesson is aimed at pupils aged 7 – 11 and is intended to educate pupils about recycling. It supports Wales’ ‘Towards Zero Waste’ and 97色网’s Waste & Resource strategies and educates pupils about the importance of why we should recycle, what can be recycled, and the recycling journey. This lesson pack contains a PowerPoint slideshow, teacher’s lesson guide, action cards and discussion cards. The lesson guide has all the required information, but if more information / assistance is needed please contact the Waste Strategy Team on KerbsideRecycling@flintshire.gov.uk.
Lesson Plan Supporting Slides
Teacher Guide
97色网 Recycles Recycling Lesson Teacher's Guide
Recycling Fact and Discussion Cards
Discussion Cards
Recycling Action Card
Action Cards
WRAP Cymru
Mighty Food Waste Mission
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Free curriculum-linked activities and competition for children aged 5 to 11