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Approved Projects

Information about the approved UK Shared Prosperity Fund projects and relevant contact details.

Funded by UK Government (English)

97色网 Only UKSPF Projects

(ADAPTS) Accelerating Decarbonisation and Productivity through Technology and Skills

Lead Organisation:
Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre - AMRC Cymru

Natalie Jones



The project will provide 97色网 manufacturers with unparalleled access to advanced manufacturing technology engineers and demonstrators, knowledge transfer, training, and upskilling in digital and decarbonisation strategies. 

The project will engage with 32 97色网 manufacturers through a 1-week immersive workshop activity resulting in a report that will detail the company's technology status, technology opportunities for decarbonisation and productivity and environmental statistics.

Following the completion of these initial engagements, 16 of the companies will be selected to receive further support to work on one of the identified opportunities and undertake training and to ensure continued innovation within the organisation. 

Project delivery partners Coleg Cambria and Small World Consulting will provide training on advanced manufacturing and sustainability topics which will support with knowledge transfer and contextualisation.

Beneficiary companies and the wider 97色网 manufacturing community will also be invited to events happening at the AMRC and wider High-Value Manufacturing Catapult Network, which will be free of charge to attend, further bolstering skills and technology adoption.

The project will benefit high-potential manufacturers and SMEs that require support with digital transformation, focussing on productivity and sustainability. 

(FAST) 97色网 Sustainable Decarbonised Future

Lead Organisation:
Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre - AMRC Cymru

Matthew Booth or Rachael Kopanski

m.booth@amrc.co.uk or r.p.kopanski@amrc.co.uk


The project aims to legally incorporate the already-established Deeside Decarbonisation Forum to unlock its full potential to support green growth.

In addition the project will also:

  • Undertake a comprehensive energy mapping exercise across all industrialists, to assess their current and future energy needs and accelerate the transition to Net Zero.
  • Develop optional energy transition plans.
  • Support the development of the decarbonisation roadmap.
  • Support the development of the Land and Energy Investment Prospectus.
  • Maximise knowledge transfer throughout the delivery chain, from early years education (STEM) to organisational collaboration.

The project will benefit businesses, industrialists, energy suppliers, infrastructure providers and academia.

The 97色网 Fund

Name of Lead Organisation:
Antur Cymru

Rowan Jones or Toni Godolphin



The project involves the provision and management of three grant funds to provide first stage support designed to support businesses take their first steps on the zero carbon and innovation journeys.  

  • The Carbon Reduction grant will enable the creation of carbon reduction business plans for a range of low carbon technologies including energy production opportunity, packaging, retrofit  insulation, lighting upgrades and fleet decarbonisation amongst other initiatives.
  • The Innovation grant will support the creation of early-stage proof of concept funding to enable businesses better identify and evaluate opportunities to determine whether a potential development opportunity merits the required time and resource investment for the business to progress through to innovation vouchers or other progression routes.
  • Grants will also be awarded to inclusive, accessible business networks operating within 97色网 that have an established membership base of local businesses. The aim is to strengthen local business networks that support businesses to start, sustain grow and innovate.

The project will benefit SMEs and will target those sectors that would struggle to fund the early-stage work required to evaluate their zero carbon or early-stage R&D exploration.

97色网 Green Digital Academy 

Name of Lead Organisation:
Grwp Llandrillo Menai (GLLM)

Donna Hodgson



The project will provide expert evaluation and mentoring support to SMEs to improve their digital and Net Zero capabilities in line with their core business strategy, supporting businesses to accelerate efficiency, productivity, carbon reduction and to reduce costs.

The project will:

  • Undertake a diagnostic on the environmental and digital baseline of the business.
  • Deliver a bespoke roadmap for decarbonisation and digitalisation.
  • Mentor businesses to deliver against those plans.
  • Identify funding to support capital investment, share best practice and support related changes within operations and employee behaviour.

The project will benefit SMEs particularly those sectors which have traditionally struggled to engage with the digital and Net Zero agendas including the foundation economy.

Supporting Tourism and Sector Key Fund 

Name of Lead Organisation:
Cadwyn Clwyd

Cara Roberts



The project aims to aim to boost productivity, pay, jobs and living standards of micro, small and medium enterprises operating within the tourism and experience economy. 

The project will support three areas of intervention:

  • Tourism Business Infrastructure grants for individual micro, small and medium tourism related businesses to undertake new­to­firm innovation, invest in improving visitor experiences and target new markets.
  • Tourism Sector Feasibility Fund will support with feasibility work which is required to deliver projects targeting the development of tourism infrastructure and the visitor economy. 
  • Business Grant and Business Network Key Fund operation which will include a project officer, project support & administration, tourism consultancy for business grants, marketing and communication, project evaluation costs.

The project will benefit businesses operating within the tourism and visitor sector.

Town Centre Investment Programme 

Name of Lead Organisation:

Karen Whitney-Lang



The project comprises several projects that will be implemented across seven town centres and adjacent communities:

  • Town Centre Property Investment Grant Scheme designed to upgrade and improve commercial properties across the town centres.
  • Development of projects for future investment such as feasibility studies, masterplans and technical reports which will inform future town centre regeneration.
  • Investment in Green Spaces to implement green infrastructure (GI) installation and improvements across the towns, particularly Buckley, Holywell and Shotton.
  • Employment of Promotion and Engagement Officer for Town Centre Markets Team to assist with the delivery of the indoor and outdoor markets and develop artisan markets and events.
  • Town Centre Events & Activities Grant Scheme
  • Place Making Plan Development.
  • Tailored Business Support Provision to deliver business engagement activity and bespoke one-to-one support and training to town centre businesses.
  • Communications & PR campaign to promote the ‘offer’ of 97色网’s town centres.

The project will benefit the local authority, town centre property owners, businesses, community group, town councils and the environment.

Connecting to Coast and Countryside 

Name of Lead Organisation:

Isobel Smith



The project aims to connect people to 97色网’s coast and countryside and the cultural and heritage assets by delivering two main areas of interventions.

  • Building foundations for an accessible Coast Park in 97色网 which celebrates the natural environment and heritage of the Welsh coast by:
    • Delivering a 5-year development plan with a costed business case. 
    • Producing and implementing a marketing and branding plan.
    • Establishing the working arrangements for the future administration of the coast park.
    • Delivering a series of pilot initiatives to enhance green infrastructure, including tree, hedge planting and access projects.
    • Strengthening the connection of the coast with the local community and businesses through volunteering opportunities, stakeholder engagement and events. 
    • Creating spatial plans and feasibility studies for the coast park hubs.
  • Improving the visibility of assets through implementing a programme of new and upgraded tourist and boundary sign packages for sites of cultural, heritage & natural significance and to develop use of open spaces along the Dee Coastline.

The project will benefit local communities, businesses and visitors.

Greenfield Valley Heritage Park Improvement Programme 

Name of Lead Organisation:
Greenfield Valley Trust 

Helen Mrowiec



The project will deliver a programme of nine related revenue projects which have been identified as key building blocks and enablers to the delivery of the 10-year strategy for the Greenfield Valley. 

  • Carbon Zero progression to identify how the Valley and its activities can contribute to the Welsh Government target of net carbon zero by 2050 to guide future investment and operational decisions.
  • Blue-Green-Heritage Infrastructure will provide an integrated built heritage and landscape overview plan for the whole Valley, guiding the location of new visitor and community activities whilst protecting the built, natural and water environments. 
  • Heritage and Cultural Development Programme proposing options for updating the Valley museum.
  • Arts, Culture and Heritage Community Programme of education, participation, outreach activities, exhibitions and events tailored to the needs of the local community. 
  • Promotion to visitors and increasing external awareness of the Valley’s beauty, history, facilities, events and activities to increase the number of visitors.
  • Increasing volunteering opportunities in the Valley. 
  • Creating new community spaces and plans for the redesign of Basingwerk House and its surrounds to create a community hub venue with lettable spaces.
  • Upgrading the Museum retail, catering and visitor reception offer. 
  • Digital Infrastructure Support and improvements to current Wi-Fi infrastructure in the Valley’s Visitor Hub (pay boundary) to extend the coverage to more of the site. 

The project will benefit local residents, communities and visitors.

97色网 Community Key Fund 

Name of Lead Organisation:
Cadwyn Clwyd and 97色网 Local Voluntary Council (FLVC)

Helen Williams and Shaun Darlington

helen.williams@cadwynclwyd.co.uk and Shaun.Darlington@flvc.org.uk


The project will support community led and / or community owned venues / facilities / spaces / groups to develop, strengthen and enhance community infrastructure and community-based projects with a particular emphasis on local communities and grass roots services within 97色网.

  • Development officers will work directly with community groups to identify projects, develop business plans and proposals, access external match funding and provide hands on support to take their projects to fruition.
  • Pre-Project Development Funding Support will support communities to take the first step to realise and implement projects and will fund feasibility studies and specialist consultancy.
  • The Community Key Fund element will include a capital and revenue key fund grant to support community projects.

The project will benefit community organisations and community led/owned venues.

LEAP (Learn Explore, Achieve, Perform) 

Name of Lead Organisation:

Gareth Hywel



The project will deliver a wide number of education services and interventions that will be tailored to individual needs. The services offered will enhance the current education provision. 

The project will include:

  • One to one support to reduce barriers to employment and education.
  • Small group interventions and engagement opportunities to enable beneficiaries to access mainstream provision including settings such as school, further education or Adult Community Learning.
  • The development of new links to employers to link those requiring work experience with employers recruiting staff.
  • The delivery of accredited courses designed to build confidence and aid participants on next steps.

The project will benefit those at risk of becoming NEET, care leavers, the economically inactive and the socially isolated.

Project 11 

Name of Lead Organisation:
97色网 Youth Justice Services

James Warr



The project involves a multi-agency and multi-modal approach to reducing exploitation, violence, and organised crime involving young people in order to create safe neighbourhoods.

The project will provide specialist targeted 1:1 intervention and community outreach as well as responding to community profile information. 

The project will support, deter and promote positive engagement and purposeful activity, skills development and volunteering for those engaging or at risk of criminal activity and exploitation. 

The project will promote peer mentoring, diversionary activities and re-engagement in positive opportunities including education, training, sport and employment.

The project will benefit young people aged 11+ at risk of exploitation and crime.

Minding the Gaps of the Young People in 97色网 

Name of Lead Organisation:

Ali Wheeler 



The project will deliver a pathway of programmes to support a gap in engagement provision to meet the post covid needs of young people aged 16 – 25. It seeks to addresses issues such as social exclusion, loneliness, low skills and lack of confidence.

  • WeDiscover digital programme is aimed at 16 – 25 year olds not engaging with education, college and furthest from the workplace, often the most lonely and isolated.
  • WeGrow employability programme will employ 10 young people on six months fixed 30 hours a week contract at minimum wage allowing young people to understand rules and expectations of employment, help budgeting skills, and give them a sense of worth
  • WeBelong is the project alumni and last proven differentiator.  It removes a project ‘cliff edge’ and will serve to support for as long as participants want/need it.

The project will benefit 16-25 year olds.

Supportive Steps 

Name of Lead Organisation:
Coleg Cambria

Vicky Barwis



The project will provide a bespoke package of mentoring support for participants aged 16-25 transitioning into Further Education, who require additional help, supporting their learning journey through college and utilising progression routes into potential employment.

The project seeks to achieve a reduction in the number of learners dropping out of FE and becoming NEET due to issues such as mental health, chaotic home lives, negative educational experiences, poverty, lack of resilience etc.

The project will benefit 97色网 learners aged 16-25, attending at Coleg Cambria’s Deeside and Northop campuses.

Strength in Numbers 

Name of Lead Organisation:

Dawn Spence



The project will deliver targeted interventions and provision to start adult learners on their numeracy journey, develop learners’ numeracy skills, offer creative and personalised programmes of study with accreditation, promote the importance of numeracy, and establish a robust numeracy workforce.

The project will offer free, flexible opportunities for adults aged 19 or over to improve their numeracy skills and gain a qualification.

The project will:

  • Provide a targeted numeracy provision in community venues across 97色网 including 1-2-1 numeracy support.
  • Support learners through their learner journey from enrolment, attendance, participation to completion.
  • Build a workforce of qualified numeracy practitioners supported by a professional learning programme and forum for numeracy practitioners.

The project will benefit adults aged 19+ who require numeracy support and upskilling.

Multi Local Authority UKSPF Projects

Employer Skills North Wales

Name of Lead Organisation:
Coleg Cambria and Grwp Llandrillo Menai

Vicky Barwis



The project will support employers in identifying and meeting training needs and skills gaps to achieve future growth and strategic objectives within their business.

The project will ensure that employers can access support for the skills that will help their business and allow their employees to develop additional skills. This will increase the skills base of the local economy. 

The project will offer tailored work-relevant training packages to employees at Levels 2-7. This includes a business-wide diagnostic to identify skills gaps and training needs, providing a range of solutions in terms of qualifications, timings, and form of delivery. 

These will be matched to each business and are anticipated to include:

  • Full accredited qualifications 
  • Units of qualifications 
  • Non accredited Skills training 
  • Vendor Qualifications 

The project will benefit employees of 97色网 businesses.

Working Sense 

Name of Lead Organisation:
Centre of Sign-Sight-Sound

Clare Lewis



The project will enhance the employability of people over 25 with a sensory loss or disability, by providing specialist support to enable the target group to enter/re-enter and remain in employment or move closer towards employment using a holistic one to one approach utilising Employment Advisors and Support Workers. 

The project will support the participants to overcome the challenges posed by their disability, improve their confidence and vocational skills, and support individual participants in employment, volunteering or education. They will develop a tailored programme/action plan for each individual to identify their specific needs and requirements 

The project will benefit adults aged 25+ with a sensory loss or disability.

North Wales Active, Happy and Healthy 

Name of Lead Organisation:
Gogledd Cymru Actif North Wales

Mike Parry  



The project will support people to enable them to become more active on a regular basis.  Through this, it aims to address other local challenges including tackling anti-social behaviour, creating resilient, cohesive, and proud communities, developing skills and identifying, supporting and empowering local leaders, reducing isolation and loneliness and supporting good mental health 

The project will support up to 3 communities in 97色网 that are facing inequalities to gain a better understanding of what it’s like to live there, the barriers they face to being more active and to then co-design sustainable solutions.

The project will benefit the selected communities.

North Wales Growth Vision Opportunities 

Name of Lead Organisation:
Ambition North Wales

Nia Medi Williams



The project aims to maximise the benefits and opportunities to residents, businesses, and communities across North Wales through investments aligned to the Growth Vision including the North Wales Growth Deal. The project will empower local leaders by increasing the capability and capacity to deliver growth-led projects.  This will be achieved by:

  • Regional collaboration and improved regional structures.
  • An online brokerage skills and employment portal to support individuals into employment, joining up those seeking employment with employers advertising roles.
  • A range of digital projects including mobile survey, connectivity assessments, public sector assets access and community broadband engagement.
  • Support for businesses and community organisations to access funding for net zero transition, specifically through the Growth Deal Smart Local Energy project. 
  • Building regional capacity in reducing carbon emissions and improving biodiversity through ANW’s pioneering methodology and related learning.
  • The development and on-going operation of an online monitoring platform for regional partners to update project progress against agreed targets and social value commitments and share best practice. 
  • Development of procurement processes to embed benefits and social value capture into the process to allow applicants to be innovative and creative in delivery within the local area. 
  • A suite of best practice materials to share learning across the region.

The project will benefit the local authority, strategic stakeholders and partners, 97色网 residents, businesses and communities.

Horticulture Wales 

Name of Lead Organisation:
Wrexham University

Laura Gough



The project will create improved access to local produce, stronger supply-chains, increase collaboration, raise awareness, and encourage citizen and volunteer participation in their local natural environment, while educating communities on the impact horticulture can have on well-being.

By facilitating cluster member collaboration and blending latest growing technology and knowledge with traditional methods, the project will work with local SMEs, Community Interest Companies and schools with a focus on increasing awareness of cultivating products for potential home and export.

This will be achieved through:

  • Support of local horticultural and community events, showcases and activities.
  • Increasing numbers of trees planted in designated areas leading to creation of new community assets including new orchards.
  • Continued provision of assistance to small growers and entrepreneurs wishing to enter the market.
  • Support SMEs adopting new technology processes, with new to firm and market products/services.
  • Cluster promotional digital outreach events.
  • Provide and/or signpost to work placement and volunteering opportunities.
  • Development of arts/science programmes.
  • Well-being and Sustainability Digital Promotion.

The project will benefit communities, SMEs, social enterprises, schools and community groups.

Caru Cymru 

Name of Lead Organisation:
Keep Wales Tidy

Gruff Jones



The project will deliver a range of tried and tested activities to create and support a number of volunteer roles and community opportunities such as:

  • Run and expand a network of community litter-picking hubs.
  • Support and expand the network of volunteer litter champions.
  • Support and expand the litter free zones scheme, ensuring more schools and businesses take responsibility for keeping their local area litter-free.
  • Establish and train new community groups to ‘adopt’ and maintain their local area, whilst continuing to support existing community groups.
  • Awareness raising and behaviour change campaigns.
  • Liaise with Local Authorities and Community Groups to identify suitable trials and campaigns to address Local Environmental Quality (LEQ) issues, such as dog fouling, fly tipping, tourist litter etc.
  • Produce LEQ campaign toolkit and resources.
  • Provide advice and support to the local authority on development of litter/fly tipping strategies. 
  • Set up and support repair cafes, reuse/swap shops, waste amnesties, recycling pop-ups and other activities to tackle fly tipping, assist people on low incomes (through free redistribution of items) and reduce waste (circular economy principles).
  • Annual litter surveys to identify persistent problems and analysis to inform action.

The project will benefit the local authority, communities, businesses and the environment.

North East Wales Innovation and Skills Network 

Name of Lead Organisation:
Wrexham University 

Laura Gough



The project enhances participation in Knowledge Transfer activities. Through this proposal, up to five additional Knowledge Transfer Vouchers will be available to businesses as a contribution towards collaborative R&D activities, pilot studies, proof of concept activities, etc.

Additional financial support will also be available to businesses for mini-Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) which embed a graduate within a business to work on a research area of potential commercial benefit and engage in learning activities/CPD. 

The project will also scope training and research needs of businesses through feasibility studies and joint workshops, engage with entrepreneurs in both for-profit and social enterprises and deliver a series of engagement events through the project lifetime.

The project will focus on six specific areas:

  • Engineering including composites, light-weighting, 3D/product design, decarbonisation and renewables
  • Optics / photonics / metrology (OpTIC)
  • Immersive technology
  • Cyber Security
  • Business
  • Health, Wellbeing, Social Value and Sustainability

The project will benefit primarily SMEs, but also possibly larger businesses and social enterprises.

Skills Innovation Voucher Scheme 

Name of Lead Organisation:
Bangor University

Bryn Jones



The project will support SMEs and graduate entrepreneurs to access Bangor University expertise, facilities, skills and talent relevant to their research and development (R&D), innovation and skills needs. The project has been designed to help businesses take that first step with accessing University expertise, facilities and talent. 

The voucher scheme will incentivise first stage interaction which it is envisaged will lead to more significant activity and can be used for projects in any field and can be used to support:

  • Scoping or developing new products
  • Solving problems and promoting a culture of innovation
  • Developing employees
  • Carrying out a feasibility study
  • Scoping a new business idea
  • Improving business efficiency
  • Exploring other ways to stimulate a company's growth
  • Accessing graduate talent

The project will benefit SMEs and not-for-profit organisations.


Name of Lead Organisation:
Copa Training (formerly North Wales Training)

Julie Evans



The project will deliver a ‘Numeracy for Life’ Programme for employed and unemployed residents  designed to provide flexible courses, digital learning, and personal tutoring to support people to transform their lives by improving their daily numeracy skills.

The project will be delivered via an online platform, e Assessor Pro which allows multiple choice, self-marking quizzes, self-reflection activities, and non-linear games providing learners with a rounded online learning experience. 

The proposed programme will boost people’s ability to use maths in their daily life, at home and work and enable adults to achieve formal qualifications that can open doors for them such as career progression, or progression to further study.

This programme will lead to increased numeracy confidence in everyday life and will range from entry level to level 2.

The project will benefit adults aged 19+ who require numeracy support and upskilling.