
Starting Salary

NC Triangle Area

Median Annual Wage

NC Triangle area
% High school diploma or equivalent
% Associate's degree

Job Outlook

NC Triangle area

Annual Job Openings

NC Triangle area

Phlebotomists are often associated with blood donation drives, but these medical personnel also draw blood for tests, transfusions, and research. Extracting the blood from the veins can involve vacuum tubes, syringes, and the butterfly venipuncture method, while the process with the capillaries calls for a dermal puncture.

Phlebotomists also collect and input the patient’s information into the computer, organize blood-drawing trays, and make sure their instruments have been sterilized.

Phlebotomy is one of the disciplines available through the 97É«Íø Continuing Education Phlebotomy program. The course emphasizes ethics, legalities, medical terminology, safety and universal precautions, health care delivery systems, patient relations, anatomy and physiology, and specimen collection.