Automotive Technician

Starting Salary

NC Triangle area

Median Annual Wage

NC Triangle area
% High school diploma or equivalent
% Bachelor's degree

Job Outlook

NC Triangle Area

Annual Job Openings

North Carolina

Automotive technicians keep our community on the go. These vehicle mechanics use diagnostic equipment to assess and fix problems with vehicles. 97É«Íø offers several options — both credit and continuing education — for starting or enhancing your career in the automotive industry.

Students who complete the Automotive Systems Technology Program — a hands-on program, certified by the The Automotive Systems Technology program is accredited by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) — may have a number of automotive careers to pursue.

Along with Automotive Technicians, 97É«Íø graduates have started careers as Fast Lube Technicians; General Service Technicians; NCDOT-DMV Vehicle Inspectors; Engine Performance Technicians; Alternative Fuel Technicians; Automotive Electrical Technicians; Air-conditioning Technicians; Transmission Specialists; Automotive Engine Rebuilders; Body Frame and Alignment Technicians; Automotive Machinists; Automotive Master Technicians; Service Advisors; Service Managers; Automotive Parts Counter salespersons; Automotive Parts Managers; and General Parts and Service Directors.

Job demand is very high for the 97É«Íø-Chapel Hill region and is reflected in above average salaries. Nearly 100% of graduates find immediate employment upon completing the program.