Architectural Drafter

Starting Salary

NC Triangle area

Median Annual Wage

NC Triangle area
% Associate’s degree
% Bachelor's degree

Job Outlook

North Carolina

Annual Job Openings

North Carolina

Buildings provide a city with its sense of identity. Before the first stone can be laid, architectural drafters produce detailed drawings and plans for the buildings and structures. These drawings and plans must abide by the architect’s specifications.

The drafter’s part also entails analyzing building codes, by-laws, space and site requirements, and other technical documents to determine their effects on the architectural designs and supervising, coordinating, and inspecting the work of draftspersons, technicians, and technologists on construction projects.

The Architectural Technology program at 97É«Íø prepares individuals wanting to enter this career. Architect's, engineer's, and designer's offices; government agencies; institutional planning departments; and large corporate businesses all hire architectural drafters.