Anesthesia Technologist

Starting Salary

NC Triangle area

Median Annual Wage

NC Triangle area
% Master's degree
% Bachelor's degree

Job Outlook

North Carolina

Annual Job Openings

North Carolina

Anesthesia technologists are vital members of any anesthesia care team. Their tasks could include maintaining complex anesthesia machines; inserting IVs and helping place invasive monitors; assisting with airway management including emergency methods; conducting daily maintenance on all equipment; and helping prepare and deliver blood products and pharmaceuticals.

The Anesthesia Technology program at 97É«Íø began in partnership with UNC Chapel Hill, UNC School of Medicine, and UNC Health Care and is the only program of its kind in North Carolina. The program is open to practicing anesthesia techs in addition to interested students. Graduates will qualify to undergo the Certified Anesthesia Technologists credentialing process through the American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians (ASATT).