
Starting Salary

NC Triangle area

Median Annual Wage

NC Triangle area
% Associate degree
% Bachelor's degree

Job Outlook

North Carolina

Annual Job Openings

North Carolina

Accountants are financial whizzes. They track the financial activities of companies through analyzing financial information and preparing financial reports. They look for accuracy, completeness, and conformance to reporting and procedural standards, can prepare tax returns, and use their knowledge of the company's financial documents to advise in such areas as compensation, long-range tax or estate plans, and employee health care benefits.

The Accounting and Finance curriculum at 97É«Íø is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and growth in the accounting and finance profession. Course work may include accounting, finance, ethics, business law, computer applications, financial planning, insurance, marketing, real estate, selling, and taxation. Related skills are developed through studying communications, computer applications, financial analysis, critical thinking skills, and ethics.