
Alert Section

Trees, Hedges and Grass

Trees / Hedges overhanging the Highway
Vegetation overhanging the highway can block highway signs and cause problems for those travelling on the pavement.  It is an offence under the Highways Act 1980 to permit any vegetation to restrict the passage of the highway user. 

Grass cutting, Weed and Shrub Maintenance
We cut grass, maintain hedgerows, trim overhanging trees and control weeds in a number of areas across 97色网.  We cut roadside grass and maintain shrubs to ensure that the roads stay safe and signs are visible whilst taking in consideration of the environment and conservation issues.

We will maintain council owned land including:

  • highways verges and central reservations
  • roundabouts
  • public open space
  • parks and green spaces
  • housing estates
  • town centres
  • memorial gardens
  • cemeteries
  • sheltered housing
  • playing fields
  • recreation grounds
  • amenity areas
  • children's play areas
  • nature conservation areas
  • the weeds that we control adjacent to roads are Ragwort and Japanese Knotweed.

We do not maintain private land or land owned by bodies other than the Council.

The majority of grass clippings are not removed.  This is because the clippings are relatively short and mulch down quickly which slows down regrowth. Raking up, loading, transporting and removing them would increase costs. However, cuttings on paths or hard surfaces that represent a hazard are brushed or blown off and distributed over the grassed area.

Council housing tenants are responsible for maintaining their own gardens however, Housing Services do have a Garden Maintenance Scheme which helps pensioners or registered disabled people who are unable to garden and have no-one to help them.  Contact your  for further information. 

Contact Streetscene on 01352 701234.