Grass Cutting Policy
The Council provides a grass cutting service in a number locations and at key facilities around the County. These include the following areas:
- Roadside verges
- Amenity Areas
- Public footpaths / Cyclic Routes
- Hedges
- Bus-stops
- Village / Town Gateways
- Recreation Sports Grounds –
- Cemeteries
- Tenants Gardens
The County has a legal responsibility for managing the Highway Network in terms of keeping the routes available and safe for the passage of the highway user. It undertakes this duty in its role as the Highway Authority.
Grass cuttings will be picked up in exceptional circumstances only – particularly on the first cut in tenant gardens and amenity areas directly fronting sheltered accommodation.
The delivery mechanisms for grass cutting is as follows:
- Rural Highway Verges – Contracted
- Urban Verges – Contracted
- Amenity Areas – Part contracted / part in-house
- Cemeteries – In-house
- Tenants Gardens – Contracted
- Hedges – Contracted
- School Playing fields – Contracted
- Rights of Way – Contracted (Managed by Countryside services)
Should you have any concerns or comments in relation to grass cutting, then please contact Streetscene.