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Consultation Document - Safe Routes in the Community Hope

97色网 has been successful in obtaining funding from the Welsh Government to help address road safety concerns and congestion for the surrounding areas of Ysgol Estyn and Castell Alun High School, for the benefit of the local residents and for children attending both schools.

(Consultation closes 1 November 2021)

Why are safety improvements required here? 

Within recent years, we have heard many concerns about the speed of traffic and hazardous parking in the vicinity of both schools. Walking and cycling is a great way to increase your level of physical activity and we also want to provide a safer and more attractive environment for people to do this. 

Improvement Works
In order to mitigate the various hazards along the route and in an attempt to improve the viability of Active and Sustainable modes of transport, the following measures have been identified; 

A550 Wrexham Road 

Proposed Active Travel Improvements:

• Implementation of proposed 3m shared use off- road facility along the length of the A550 from Penyffordd roundabout connecting to the existing footway provision at Mountain View housing estate. 

• Implementation of a Toucan Crossing over the A550 Wrexham Road. This facility will connect into the above proposed shared use facility on the A550.

• In addition to the above measures localised design improvements are proposed to a number of junctions within the identified extents of the A550 which will greatly assist safety and visibility of vulnerable users at these locations as well as discouraging drivers from undertaking manoeuvres at inappropriate speeds 

Castell Alun High School – Safety Improvement Works 

Pigeon House Lane / Stryt Isa / Fagl Lane:

• Implementation of proposed 20mph mandatory speed limit along the frontage of Castell Alun High School on Fagl Lane and also along the extents of Stryt Isa for which serves as an alternative entrance (rear) to the School. This much needed speed limit reduction will address issues of speeding whilst also ensuring the route is brought up the required standard to promote the usage of active modes of travel.

• Implementation of Cycle Friendly Traffic Calming Features at strategic intervals along the extents of Stryt Isa will effectively calm motor vehicle speeds ensuring the proposed 20mph mandatory speed limit is self-enforcing.

• Provision of ‘Gateway Entry Treatment’ on Fagl Lane/Stryt Isa covering the extents of the proposed 20mph speed limit alerting motorists of a change in character of the road whilst reducing vehicle speeds.

• Implementation of parking restrictions along the length of Stryt Isa and Fagl  Lane to resolve the issue of indiscriminate parking. Locations include the immediate vicinity of the School premises and also within junctions along the extents of the route. 

• Footway improvements within the immediate school vicinity to aid pupils accessing and egressing the school. Implementation of dropped crossings and associated Tactile Paving at side road junctions at key locations will improve both the safety and viability of Active modes of travel as a preferred means of access for pupils travelling to school. 

• Proposed signage at all side roads combined with the introduction of ‘on carriageway’ cycle markings along the extents of the route will alert motorists of the presence of cyclists as well as reinforcing the concept of shared space.

Ysgol Estyn  Primary School – Safety Improvement Works 

Hawarden Road:

• Implementation of a mandatory 20 mph speed limit in the vicinity of Ysgol Estyn. The limit would stretch along the frontage of Ysgol Estyn. This much needed speed limit reduction will address issues of speeding whilst also ensuring the route is brought up the required standard to promote the usage of active modes of travel.  

Kiln Lane existing walking route 

Implementation of proposed ‘Access Only’ traffic restriction:

• The introduction of an ‘Access Only’ restriction will prevent motorists from utilising Kiln Lane as a ‘rat run’ to avoid the traffic congestion at the A550 Hawarden Road/Gresford Road Junction. 

Kinnerton Lane 

Implementation of proposed Right Turn Lane facility: 

• Implementation of proposed Right Turn Lane facility to facilitate safe access for right turning traffic attempting to access Higher Kinnerton and Broughton Park Shopping Centre. 

Extents of entire Route

Introduction of Vehicle Activated Signs:
• Proposed Vehicle activated Signs at strategic locations providing additional information to drivers with timely reminders of the driving standards expected by the Authority and the Highway Code.