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Active Travel Existing Route Map Consultation

Please note: This Consultation closed on the 25th December 2015. You can no longer complete this survey however information on the consultation process including key dates can be found by following this link.


The consultation is an opportunity for the public to help develop 97色网’s first Existing Route Map (ERM) for Active Travel Journeys. 

The Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013 aims to encourage people to walk or cycle for short journeys to access a workplace or educational establishment or to access health, leisure or other services or facilities. Active Travel does not include recreational or social journeys and only applies to certain settlements within the County.

The Act requires local authorities to continuously improve facilities and routes for pedestrians and cyclists and to prepare maps identifying current and potential future routes for their use.  The Act also requires new road schemes (including road improvement schemes) to consider the needs of pedestrians and cyclists at design stage.

Following a mapping and audit exercise of existing walking and cycling facilities, a series of Draft ERM’s have been developed which depict walking and cycling routes within the County which meet the statutory design guidance and are considered suitable for ‘Active Travel Journeys’. We would welcome your comments on these routes and any other routes you consider should also be included on the Maps to make your Active Travel Journey. We particularly want to know about routes that are useful for mobility users.

What is the Active Travel Act? Click this link to find out

You can view interactive versions of the route maps and the settlement boundaries by location below

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Before completing the survey it is important that you read our . 

If you would like a copy of this publication in your own language or in an alternative format such as large print, Braille or on tape, sign language DVD, please contact the Active Travel Team via the email below.

Contact: active.travel@flintshire.gov.uk