Adoption is a lifelong commitment and our children need permanent, stable and caring families.
Advice about adult safeguarding and useful contacts.
An age-friendly community enables people of all ages to participate in community activities and treats everyone with respect, regardless of their age.
It is hoped that these pages will bring together a range of information in to one place to signpost people to the right information and support.
Apply for a blue badge or renew an existing badge.
How to report a concern about child welfare and useful contacts.
Welsh Government privacy notices for the Children Receiving Care and Support Census and Children Looked After datasets
Information for people living with dementia and their carers in 97色网.
Welcome to 97色网's Direct Payments Home Page
Are you looking for a new job, challenge, or change in career? Working in care could be perfect for you.
Reablement, Telecare and aids and adaptations are examples of early intervention services that help prevent people from becoming unnecessarily dependent upon others and requiring more intensive support.
Raising a family is one of the most challenging things any of us will ever do. Children need a lot of love, guidance, and support, and as parents, we all need a little extra support for ourselves sometimes, too. As parents, we have our own struggles which can make looking after the family even more of a challenge. Families First is here to help when you feel like you are struggling to cope.
Contact the 97色网 Family Information Service or view their website for more information about choosing childcare, help available with the cost of childcare or if you would like to find a local childcare setting,
If you are looking after someone who is unable to look after themselves because of illness, disability or the effects of ageing and you are providing substantial unpaid care to that person, then you are a Carer.
The 97色网 Community Learning Disability Team works with adults with learning disabilities.
How to contact your Community Mental Health Team and other useful contacts.
The Micro-Care Project at 97色网 is a different way of thinking about Social Care, and a valued addition to an already well regarded sector.
MST targets the families of 11 to 17 year old's with antisocial behaviours, possibly having involvement of Youth Justice Services and the Police, violent incidents, substance misuse, running away and generally creating a very difficult and out of control family life.
Information about the care and support needs of people in North Wales and the support needs of carers
View information about the training and development of social care workers.
Contact 97色网's Social Services department.
A number of jobs within Social Services that we are currently recruiting for.
Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014: How will this affect my care and support?
View Social Care information leaflets for various services we provide
View Social Services Reports
Learn more about Special Guardianship Orders here
Medical and health advice provided by 97色网 and useful contacts.
Syd's Place, Croes Atti Centre in Flint is a specialist day service and resource centre for younger people with dementia.
A guide to using the Social Services Complaints Procedure