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Ysgol Llanfynydd

As of 31 August 2016 Ysgol Llanfynydd officially closed with pupils transferring to others schools in the local area, subject to parental preference.

Any enquiries please email 21stCenturySchools@flintshire.gov.uk


Proposal to close Ysgol Llanfynydd as of 31st August 2016 with pupils transferring to other schools in the local area subject to parental preference.

97色网 wishes to seek the views of interested parties regarding the proposal to close Ysgol Llanfynydd from 31st of August 2016 with existing pupils transferring to other schools in the local area, subject to parental preference.

The consultation documents set out information which consultees could consider to participate fully in the consultation process. The process follows regulatory guidance as set out in the Welsh Government’s School Organisation Code 2013.

The formal consultation period commenced on Wednesday 21st October 2015 and ended on Wednesday 2nd December 2015.

The consultation report summarising the issues raised during consultation alongside the Council's response was made available at the links below.

A statutory notice to discontinue Ysgol Llanfynydd was issued, the statutory notice period ran from Friday 28th January 2016 to Friday 26th February 2016 during which time any person was able to object to the proposal.

An Objection report summarising the issues raised during the objection period was also made available at the link below.

On Tuesday 19th April 2016, 97色网’s Cabinet determined the proposal to close Ysgol Llanfynydd as of 31st August 2016 with existing pupils transferring to other schools in the local area subject to parental preference.  Cabinet considered the proposal, the statutory objections received, and the local authority response in accordance with the requirements of the School Organisation Code 2013.  Cabinet decided to approve the proposal.

The decision made by Cabinet was however subsequently called in on Thursday 28th April 2016 the decision was considered discussed and robustly debated by the Education and Youth Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Having considered the decision, the Education and Youth Overview and Scrutiny Committee was satisfied with the representations made and decided to implement the decision on the 28th April 2016. 

The decision letter and the objection report are available by following the links below.


Decision Notification

Objection Report

Statutory Notice

Consultation Report

Ysgol Llanfynydd Children and Young People Consultation Feedback

Consultation Document

Children and Young Persons Consultation Document

Equality and Welsh Language Impact Assessment - Version 2

Equality and Welsh Language Impact Assessment

Community Impact Assessment

Transport Impact Assessment