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School Admissions

Things you'll need to consider

You’ll need to have a My Account with 97色网 – don’t worry if you don’t have one yet – you will be guided through how to do this.

My Account - Find out more

Things you'll need to have

You will need your telephone number, email address and correct address and postcode.The application should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete.

Changing Schools during the Academic Year

If you wish to transfer your child from one school to another, you can apply for a change of schools. If the change is not related to a house move, speak to your child’s current Headteacher first.

There is no guarantee that we can offer places at your preferred school/s, as offers are made only when there is space in the requested year group. You should not remove your child from their current school before you have an offer of a place at another school.  If you are successful, your child will start at the beginning of the next term or half term, whichever is sooner.

You can apply online to transfer your child to a new school – Click ‘In-Year Transfer’ below to make an application.

We will process your application within 15 school days.  We will email you when it has been processed.

Please note, that you will need to create a new account when submitting an in-year transfer request – this is different to any other log-in details you may have used when submitting a previous application.

Secondary School in September 2024

The closing date for secondary school place applications for children born between 1 September 2012 and 31 August 2013 was 6 November 2023. 

If you've already applied, we'll let you know the outcome on 1 March 2024.

If you are now applying after the end of the allocation period (January 8, 2024) the application cannot be processed until after the national offer date (March 1, 2024).

Reception in September 2024

The closing date for reception place applications for children born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 was 17 November 2023. 

If you've already applied, we'll let you know the outcome on 16 April 2024.

If you are now applying after the end of the allocation period (February 23, 2024) the application cannot be processed until after the national offer date (April 16, 2024).

Nursery in September 2024

The closing date for Nursery place applications for children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 was 16th February 2024.

If you’ve already applied, we’ll let you know the outcome on 7 May 2024.

If you are now applying after the end of the allocation period (March 22, 2024) the application cannot be processed until after the national offer date (May 7, 2024).

I am still unclear about the arrangements, or have a further question – where can I go for further advice?

You can contact our admissions team by emailing admissions@flintshire.gov.uk



I am still unclear about the arrangements, or have a further question – where can I go for further advice?

You can contact our admissions team by emailing admissions@flintshire.gov.uk

Have you considered a Welsh Language School?

Whatever language you speak at home, Welsh language, also known as Welsh-medium education, can offer your child additional opportunities, experiences and skills.

Contrary to popular belief, Welsh-medium education has a positive effect on the pupil鈥檚 English and the simple aim is enable children to become fully fluent and confident in both English and Welsh.

Welsh Medium Education - Find out more
Welsh Dragon

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the closing date for receipt of applications?

Timetable for admissions for schools

Timetable for admissions for schools
Admission PhaseAdmission forms available to parents w/cParents’ consideration periodClosing date for receipt of completed formsAllocation  period by LA/ admitting authorityParents informed by (“Offer date”)
Secondary 04/09/23 04/09/23 - 06/11/23 06/11/23 07/11/23 - 08/01/24   01/03/24
Reception  25/09/23 25/09/23 - 17/11/23 17/11/23 17/11/23 - 23/02/24 16/04/2024
Nursery 25/09/23 08/01/24 - 16/02/24 16/02/24 19/02/24 - 22/03/24 07/05/24

Do I need to express a preference for more than one school?

You can express a preference for as many schools as you like. The application can include schools outside 97色网 and we will notify the relevant Council of your application. (However Cheshire West and Chester Council ask that you use their application form for schools in their area).

If you include a denominational (Church) or foundation school on your application, it will be forwarded to the relevant school as 97色网 is not the admitting authority for these schools.

It will always be our intention to allocate to your 1st preference but if there are more applications than the number of places available, the oversubscription criteria will be applied and, if you do not meet the criteria, we can consider your 2nd preference and so on until we are able to offer your child a place. If only one school is specified we will only be able to consider that school. Please note that listing the same school multiple times will not result in a better chance of being offered a place at that school.

Only apply online to 97色网 if you are resident in 97色网 or your child attends a 97色网 school. Otherwise please apply to your own Council – for example, if you live in Denbighshire, please apply to Denbighshire County Council unless your child attends a 97色网 school.

What happens if I do not get my 1st preference?

All preferences are processed and you will get an offer of a place at the highest ranked preference at the school where a place is available. Therefore, if your 1st preference is unsuccessful, your 2nd preference is treated as your 1st preference equally with other 1st preferences for that school and so on until we are able to offer your child a place at a school.

What if all my preferences are unsuccessful?

Your child’s name can be put on a waiting list, you accept a place at an alternative school with available places and you do have right of appeal.

How important is the closing date?

Your application must be received by the closing date otherwise it will be considered after those received on time. All on-line applications are dated and timed on receipt.

Where can I find the oversubscription criteria?

It can be found in our Guide to Education Services and is also listed below.

All pupils will be admitted if the Admission Number has not been reached. However, if the Admission Number has been reached, applications will be considered against the oversubscription criteria, which are listed in priority order.

Oversubscription Criteria

Criteria to be applied in order of priority by the Local Authority for admission to Nursery, Primary and Secondary Schools:

  • Looked after children (children in care) and previously looked after children;
  • pupils for whom the preferred school is the nearest appropriate school to the pupil’s home address;
  • pupils who will have a sister or brother attending the preferred school on the expected admission date. The ‘sibling rule’ will only be applied for the statutory period of education i.e. up to Year 11;
  • pupils for whom the preferred school is not the nearest to their home address. Pupils will be admitted in order of proximity to that alternative school and up to its Admission Number.

If there are more applicants than places in any of the above categories, priority will be given to applicants living nearest the school, measured from the child’s home address to the recognised main entrance of the school.

If the authority is unable to comply with the parental preference(s) expressed then the parent will be asked to consider available places at alternative schools.

Where a school is named in a Statement of Special Educational Needs, the local authority has a duty to admit the child to that school.

Who is considered to be a sibling?

A sibling is defined as a full, half, step, foster or adopted brother or sister living together as one household at the same address and where the elder sibling is of statutory school age i.e. Reception to Year 11, and will still be registered at the preferred school when the younger child is eligible to attend. Siblings entering Yr 12/13 when the younger sibling is starting in Yr 7 will not be considered under the sibling rule.

Do I need to complete the online application quickly to ensure I am offered my 1st preference?

All applications are considered after the closing date not by the date received. The time given to parents for applications is approximately 8 weeks, this is intended to allow for careful consideration of your preferences.

When will I be notified which school my child has been allocated to?

PRIMARY SCHOOLS: You will be notified by email on the offer date which is 17 April and no details will be given before that date.

SECONDARY SCHOOLS: You will be notified on the offer date which is 1 March and no details will be given before that date.

NURSERY: You will be notified by email on the offer date which is 4 May and no details will be given before that date.

Will my child get free school transport to my preferred school?

The transport policy is available in the Guide to Education Services on the website under school admissions.

What if I move house after the closing date?

As long as details of any changes to your preferences and proof of house move are provided by the end of the allocation period (please see timetable for admissions to schools in Guide to Education Services) we will make the changes for you.