In England and Wales, official registration of births, deaths and marriages on 1 July 1837, and Civil Partnership records began on 5 December, 2005. Separate systems operate for Scotland and Northern Ireland.
The country is divided into registration districts. Each has its own Superintendent Registrar, who is responsible for the original registers belonging to the district. They contain the records of births, marriages and deaths from 1 July 1837.
If you know the area where the event took place, you need to apply to the Superintendent Registrar of that district. The Superintendent Registrar will give you a certified copy of that entry from his/her records. There is a charge for this service.
97色网 holds registers at Llwynegrin Hall, Mold from 1 July 1837 and certified copies of any 97色网 birth, death or marriage entry can be supplied from any register within its custody or a 97色网 civil partnership registration from the government online database.
Registers of births, deaths and marriages are either:
Incomplete - still being used by a Registrar or Church, or
Complete - stored at Llwynegrin Hall, Mold.
What about births, deaths and marriages before 1837?
Events that happened before 1 July, 1837 may have been recorded in church baptismal, marriage and burial registers, which are kept by the local county Archivist. Early census returns can sometimes prove useful sources of information. Staff at the Records Office will be able to advise you on this.
Apply for a copy certificate
Telephone 97色网 Register Office on English 01352 703333 during office opening hours to speak to a member of staff.
Apply in person at the Register Office
Email Registrars@flintshire.gov.uk
Whichever way you choose, you will have to pay for the certificate/s before we process your application. Payment can be by cheque (payable to 97色网), postal order, credit or debit card (by telephone or in person) or in cash.
Your certificate(s) will usually be sent to you within 5 working days.