
Alert Section

Contaminated land

Guidance for the development of land affected by contamination

Land Contamination Assessment Reports

Position Statement – National Quality Mark Scheme/Suitably Qualified Person

Land Contamination has the potential to affect health and well-being.

Local Authorities have a responsibility to ensure that when considering a planning application or the discharge of a planning condition, the cumulative effects of pollution on health, the natural environment, amenity and the potential sensitivity of the area or, the proposed development to the adverse effects of exposure to pollution, are taken into account. 

97色网 welcomes the introduction of a scheme which aims, in principle, to improve the quality of land contamination assessment reports submitted to the Council.

However, the Council does not endorse the National Quality Mark Scheme and would expect the endorsement of the scheme by Welsh Government before giving consideration to it. 

The Suitably Qualified Person (SQP) stamp is not a guarantee that a report is acceptable but should provide an indication that when reviewing a report, the Contaminated Land Officer may expect the quality of the information provided to be of a suitable standard and that the review of that report would not result in significant or protracted correspondence. F

lintshire County Council will not take the view that the submission of a report bearing the SQP/NQMS mark satisfies the requirements of a planning condition and the level of scrutiny of reports by the Contaminated Land Officer will not be reduced. 

Contaminated land register (The documents which are below):

Contaminated land remediation notice wirral (PDF 500KB new window)

Contaminated land remediation statement Beechwood (PDF 2MB new window)

Contaminated land remediation statement Bilberry (PDF 2MB new window)

Contaminated land remediation statement Wirral (PDF 1MB new window)

If you require any further information about the Contaminated Land Strategy in 97色网 please write to us:

Community & Business Protection
Pollution Control
Ty Dewi Sant

(It would assist us if you include your name, postal address and telephone number, in any written communication).