Common Land and Village Greens
The Council maintains details of all commons and village greens on registers, which are open to public inspection.
Common Land is subject to "rights of common" such as right to graze stock or right to collect wood or turf. These rights are not enjoyed by the public at large but by designated commoners, usually by the rights being attached to the property they occupy, often adjoining a Common.
Since 1996, the Common Land Register is maintained within the Legal Services Department. The register of commons can be viewed at this office.
This is a complex part of the law, and readers should consider seeking independent local/legal advice about the exact status of the land and its users before attempting to do anything on what they think might be common land. All Commons are registered.
Until 5th May 2017 we worked under legislation brought about by the Commons Registration Act 1965. From 5th May 2017 a variety of applications became available for making applications to amend the commons and greens registers under the Commons Act 2006. In most cases a fee will be payable. Please see the Application Fees for more details.
Please Note: The Commons Registration Service has administrative functions only. This is a complex part of the law, and readers should consider seeking independent local/legal advice about the exact status of the land and its users before attempting to do anything on what they think might be common land. All Commons are registered.
If there are any queries in relation to any Common Land enquiries, please ring 01352 702314.
Application Fees
This page explains the fees payable to 97色网 as the commons registration authority for the county of 97色网.
Application Forms
Please return completed forms to:
Legal Services
County Hall
or e-mail: