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Housing Conditions

Details about the conditions that all landlords and managing agents within Wales must ensure their properties meet.

Under Part 4 of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 a Landlord is obliged to ensure a property is both in repair and fit for human habitation (FFHH).

These obligations are set out in the which sets out 29 matters which determine if a property if FFHH. 

These are 

1. Damp and mould growth

2. Cold

3. Heat

4. Asbestos and Manufactured Mineral Fibres

5. Biocides

6. Carbon monoxide and fuel combustion products (nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide and smoke)

7. Lead

8. Radiation

9. Uncombusted fuel gas

10. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

11. Crowding and space

12. Entry by intruders

13. Lighting

14. Noise

15. Domestic hygiene, pests and refuse

16. Food safety

17. Personal hygiene, sanitation and drainage

18. Water Supply

19. Falls associated with baths etc

20. Falling on surfaces

21. Falling on stairs

22. Falling between levels

23. Electrical hazards

24. Fire

25. Flames, hot surfaces etc

26. Collision and entrapment

27. Explosions

28. Position and operability of amenities etc

29. Structural collapse and falling elements

Landlords must ensure that a range of safety certificates are completed, the documents retained and copies provided to the contract holder as part of their occupation contract. These are:

  • Electrical Safety Certificate
  • Gas Safety Certificate
  • Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
  • Proof of deposit protection

If you need advice regarding any property conditions please contact out Environmental Health Team at HousingEnforcement@flintshire.gov.uk.

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