
Alert Section


Safeguarding adults, young people and children is a priority for the Council; the Council take seriously its responsibilities to keep people safe.  Safeguarding includes everything a Council can do to keep people safe, including minimising the risk of harm and accidents, taking action to tackle safety concerns and ensuring people grow up and live in safe circumstances.  We all need to know what abuse is, how to recognise it, and that we all have a shared responsibility to safeguard children and adults at risk.

 Recognise Abuse

Abuse comes in many forms and more than one type of abuse may be happening at the same time. The following are some examples of abuse:

Criminal exploitation

Often controlled and maltreated, victims are forced into crimes such as cannabis cultivation or pick pocketing against their will.

Domestic servitude

Victims are forced to carry out housework and domestic chores in private households with little or no pay, restricted movement, very limited or no free time and minimal privacy often sleeping where they work.  As it takes place in private households it is a deeply hidden form of exploitation.

Financial abuse

Having money or property stolen, being pressured into giving people money or changing a will, misuse of benefits, not being allowed access to money.

Forced Labour

Victims are forced to work against their will, often working very long hours for little or no pay in dire conditions under verbal or physical threats of violence to them or their families.  


Victims medical or physical care needs are ignored, food or drink is withheld, not allowing access to appropriate health or social services, being left in wet or dirty clothes. 

Physical abuse

Being hit or slapped, being given the wrong medication on purpose, being locked in or force-fed. 

Psychological abuse

Being threatened, not being given choices, being bullied or isolated from other people. 


Involves the exploitation of susceptible people who are drawn into violent extremism by radicalisers often using a persuasive rationale and charismatic individuals to attract people to their cause.  The aim is to attract people to their reasoning, inspire new recruits and embed their extreme views and persuade vulnerable individuals of the legitimacy of their cause. 

Sexual abuse

Being touched or kissed when it is not wanted, being made to touch or kiss someone else, being raped, being made to listen to sexual comments or forced to look at sexual acts, or materials, forced to perform non-consensual or abusive sexual acts against their will, such as prostitution, escort work and pornography. 


Being moved either internationally or domestically so victims can be exploited.

 Report Abuse

You may suspect abuse because:

  • You have general concerns about someone’s wellbeing
  • You see or hear about something which could be abuse
  • Someone tells you that something has happened or is happening to them, which could be abuse.If in doubt, you should still report it. 

Call the police directly in an emergency or if a crime has been committed.

Social Services - Children

  • During office hours contact Social Services on: 01352 701000
  • Outside of office hours, please telephone the Duty Social Worker on: 0345 053 3116

Social Services - Adults

  • During office hours contact Social Services on: 03000 858858
  • Outside of office hours contact 0345 053 3116