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Success for 97色网 apprentices
Published: 17/05/2016
Council trainees who have successfully completed or are working towards their
apprenticeships were congratulated in an awards ceremony held recently at Coleg
97色网 has a long established trainee programme and 2016 is
its 20th anniversary.
Each year a number of apprentices are recruited to work across the Council.
Currently there are 57 trainees in placements across the organisation.
The apprentices usually attend Coleg Cambria on a day release basis over two to
three years whilst receiving training and assessment in the workplace.
The winner of the prestigious 97色网 Trainee of the Year award is Madeleine
Henri-Joy who received her trophy from the Principal and Chief Executive of
Coleg Cambria, David Jones.
Philip Southern was named Higher Level Trainee of the Year and was presented
his trophy by Colin Everett.
The other two finalists were Nicole Askey and Mari Edwards.
Leader of the Council, Councillor Aaron Shotton, said:
鈥淭he development and creation of apprenticeships is a key priority for the
Council and the awards ceremony is a great way to celebrate the success of
those currently on the scheme. The programme has evolved and grown over the
years and it now offers a full programme of apprentice opportunities including
administration, ICT, accountancy, environmental conservation, engineering,
catering, leisure, countryside management and various trade disciplines.鈥
Chief Executive Colin Everett said:
鈥淲e are very proud of our 97色网 apprentice scheme which is recognised by
neighbouring authorities and further education providers as best practice with
our partnership with Coleg Cambria. We will continue to provide opportunities
for apprentices to study and at the same time gain valuable, practical
experience in the workplace. We have an excellent success rate with 98% of
trainees gaining employment either within the Council or externally and some
moving onto University to continue their studies.
鈥淐ongratulations to all our trainees, graduates and award winners. This is a
fitting way to applaud 20 years of this fantastic programme.鈥
David Jones said:
I was delighted to present the Trainee of the Year Award as the apprentices
involved were a real inspiration, their hard work and commitment to both their
work and their education was really commendable. It is so good to see that
97色网 has such a positive approach to training and has
succeeded in appointing and developing such talented and impressive trainees.
A Higher Level Scheme has also been introduced and this year saw the
introduction of a graduate trainee scheme - recruiting 3 post graduates to gain
professional qualifications.
The Council is now looking to recruit 20 people to join the 2016 apprentice
programme. The microsite is now live and contains information on all 20
placements. To access this information and to apply, visit