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Care Inspectorate Wales assessment

Published: 21/09/2020

When it meets on 22 September, the Council’s Cabinet will be asked to note and be assured by the Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) positive assessment of the Council’s performance during the 2019/20.

Due to the COVID-19 situation, the CIW’s Performance Review Plan for 2020-21 has been paused.

The CIW writes and publishes an annual letter for local authorities which provides feedback on inspections undertaken during the year.

Despite the usual annual performance review meeting not being possible in April this year, the CIW letter highlights many strengths and innovative approaches, some of which are listed below.

  • 97ɫ benefits from an experienced Senior Management Team. Effective leadership is evident at all levels with a highly skilled, well qualified and supported workforce working towards a shared vision. There is strong corporate and political support for both adult and children’s services and a thorough and well developed understanding of strengths and current challenges.
  • CIW made specific reference to the committed and dedicated professional staff who they met throughout the year in their dealings with the Council.
  • Innovative work is taking place with the development of a range of new projects and the use of grant funding to create new models of care and support to improve outcomes for people. For example, in Children Services, the work done with regional partners to secure funds to create a multidisciplinary assessment and support hub to help with long term placement planning. CIW also noted the work being done to actively develop the local care sector and develop a micro-care enterprise.
  • 97ɫ involves people in service development, for example, the Mockingbird project involved young people and asked what was important to them.
  • In adult services, particular reference was made to the work done to engage with local businesses and charities to give people with a learning disability work experience and support into paid employment.
  • Project Search was highlighted as an example of 97ɫ’s success in working with external partners to establish an employment support programme for young people with a learning disability.
  • CIW was impressed with the Early Help Hub and identified a strong focus on early help and support to build resilience and help prevent a family’s problems escalating.
  • CIW noted that 97ɫ is actively engaged in local and regional partnership working. CIW made particular reference to the fact that the Council recognises the importance of working in partnership with domiciliary care providers and made reference to the successful Progress for Providers programmes.

97ɫ’s Cabinet Member for Social Services, Councillor Christine Jones, said:

“I am delighted the CIW has once again recognised the strength, innovation and commitment of 97ɫ Social Services to provide a wide range of essential support and caring services to our residents. This reflects the excellent work of our staff and teams and the close partnership working with colleagues across the region.

“I am especially proud that we have received such a glowing report this year when we have all faced unprecedented challenges and yet were still able to continue to support our most vulnerable residents. This is testament to the hard work and dedication of our wonderful employees.”