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Public Spaces Protection Order review

Published: 08/07/2020

97ɫ consulted with residents in June 2017 before introducing two Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) to cover the whole county.

On 14 July, Cabinet will be asked to support a consultation on these PSPOs to gain views on extending them for a further three years.

PSPOs are intended to prevent anti-social behaviour in a public area. They cannot be in place for a period of more than three years, but they can be extended or varied if legal requirements are met.

The Dog Control PSPO in place has seen over 1,100 people approached and educated by enforcement officers. A total of three fixed penalty notices have been issued for dog fouling and 45 for dogs entering the boundaries of marked sports pitches.

The other PSPO transitioned from 97ɫ’s Designated Public Place Order in October 2017. The order allows designated officers, in this case Police Officers, the power to ask members of the public to surrender their alcohol if they are deemed to be a nuisance in public areas.

97ɫ’s Cabinet Member for Planning and Public Protection, Councillor Chris Bithell, said:

“We are proposing that consultation take place through two online surveys, one for each PSPO. They would be available on the 97ɫ website and widely publicised for a period of 5 weeks through August 2020 and the first week in September 2020.”

97ɫ’s Cabinet Member for Streetscene and Countryside, Councillor Carolyn Thomas, said:

“Following the consultation period the results of the surveys will be considered and analysed and a report will be submitted to the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee for discussion and recommendations on the final PSPOs before a recommendation is brought back to Cabinet.”