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COVID-19 Household Recycling Centres Reopening Information

Published: 19/05/2020

We are pleased to announce that all five Household Recycling Centres across 97É«Íø will reopen to the public on Tuesday 26 May.Ìý Opening hours for the first two weeks will be from 9.00 a.m. until 8.00 pm.

We are working hard to keep 97É«Íø as clean and safe as possible during the ‘lockdown’ period.Ìý We have been collecting recycling, food and rubbish but do recognise that many residents’ will have some excess recycling and waste to dispose of.Ìý

The Household Recycling Centres will be open for residents to dispose of household recycling and waste.ÌýÌý

Before visiting a site we would ask you to please think carefully about your trip and whether you need to make it.Ìý

The demand at our centres will be high in the first week of opening.Ìý For the safety of the public and our employees special measures to control the centres have been introduced.Ìý Please read on:-Ìý

Site Safety Measures

  • You must not visit the Household Recycling Centre if you or anyone you are living with is in self-isolation or showing COVID-19 symptoms.
  • We will only accept small amounts of waste. No high sided vans or trailers will be allowed entry (smaller car-derived vans/4x4s will be able to enter).Ìý Please separate your waste before coming to site to speed up your visit.
  • You should only visit the Household Recycling Centre if it is essential. Under the current guidelines, you should only make this journey if your waste is causing a hazard to health and cannot be stored safely at home.Ìý
  • The number of vehicles on-site at any one time will be restricted. Where possible only the driver should make the journey, unaccompanied.ÌýÌý
  • You will need to wait at the site entrance until the on-site team allow you in.Ìý You MUST remain in your car whilst queuing. Only a limited number of vehicles will be allowed on site at any time and we will be operating a one-in, one-out system.Ìý Only one person will be permitted to be outside of their vehicle.
  • Social distancing measures must be followed at all times by both employees and visitors. All site users must keep a 2 metre distance from others at all times.Ìý
  • Black bag waste should only contain non-recyclable waste.Ìý We are collecting food, cans, plastics, paper, card and glass at the kerbside so residents should use these collections for these materials.Ìý We will not accept black bags that contain food and/or recyclables.
  • Only bring what you can safely carry/handle yourself.Ìý Due to the two metre self-distancing regulations no assistance can be given to offload materials. If you have bulky items to dispose of, please either wait until we are able to accept these items (more information to follow soon) or until Government social distancing rules are relaxed.A new traffic management system will be in place and queuing outside of the sites may be restricted.Ìý If the queues spill out onto the public highway and cause a risk, the police may move people on.Ìý
  • Please treat our teams, and fellow customers with respect and consideration. Any abuse, or a failure to follow these site safety measures, will not be tolerated. If necessary there will be a police intervention.

We thank you for your continued support and patience.

For more information and frequently asked questions visit .Ìý
