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Praise for council workers following severe weather

Published: 21/06/2019

The Leader and Chief Executive of 97ɫ have praised council workers following last week’s severe weather affecting the region.

Three days of heavy rain caused havoc, leaving roads and homes flooded as well as bringing trees down. Many council employees were involved in the response, working long hours and in atrocious conditions. Over 150 operational days were reallocated from other services to respond to flooding related events.

Our employees issued 4,000 sandbags to residents and businesses and responded to nearly 350 individual requests for assistance relating to 199 individual properties, all of whom received the necessary support.

The highway network suffered significant damage in a number of areas as a result of the flooding. This included minor land slips, roads being undermined and the road surface being damaged by the effect of flood water. All the sites will be visited and repaired over the coming weeks.

Meanwhile, regular work continued with minimal disruption to waste and recycling services, household waste and recycling services, transport services (school, public, adult social care transport) and bereavement services.

The extreme weather also created challenges for Social Services which supports more than 70 vulnerable people in their homes. The severe flooding made it difficult for workers to get through to the people who needed them. Despite this, they showed their ingenuity and resolve as they managed to maintain the service to everyone without exception. Employees shared vehicles and supported each other through the difficult driving conditions.

All residential care and extra care buildings remained open and extra indoor activities were offered as people made the decision to stay indoors rather than risk the elements.

The Contact Centre extended its opening hours and took over 1,100 calls during Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Leader of the Council, Councillor Ian Roberts, said:

“In what has been a period of atrocious weather, with an unprecedented amount of rain falling in a very short time, the Council has delivered an outstanding response, together with its partners in the fire service, police and utility companies.

“Working in difficult conditions, council workers battled against the elements, to move fallen trees, re-open roads, clear culverts, assist with flooded homes and move resources to where they were most needed.

“I would like to thank all of our employees who were involved in this incredible effort. I am sure I speak on behalf of all councillors in saying that everyone involved has delivered a tremendous response.”

Chief Executive, Colin Everett, who is responsible for co-ordinating the Council response, said:

“I want to thank our dedicated employees on behalf of the Chief Officer team, for their resilience and commitment to the Council’s response to this extreme weather episode. Those who have been directly involved in maintaining services and helping vulnerable people have done a critical job in very challenging circumstances.

“It is during such times that the Council and its people show best what we are made of and many of you have done invaluable work in your services and in your communities.”

97ɫ were part of a multi-agency response throughout the period.

Natural Resources Wales has reported that 97ɫ experienced three times the typical June monthly rainfall in a period of 72 hours.