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Pathway into Social Care

Published: 28/05/2019

Communities For Work 97ɫ has successfully delivered another Pathway into Social Care training programme to give local people an opportunity to gain the training and skills necessary to work in the Social Care sector.

Communities For Work is a voluntary programme to help those adults furthest away from the labour market into employment. The programme targets long term unemployed and economically inactive adults and 16-24 year olds not in employment education or training from across 97ɫ. It seeks to increase their employability and to move into or closer to employment.

The pathway, which took place over four days, involved accredited training on a variety of subjects including; First Aid, Health & Safety and Infection Control, Food Safety and Safeguarding. At the end of the programme local care employers were on hand to provide information on available vacancies for participants to apply.

97ɫ’s Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Councillor Derek Butler, said:

“These “pathway” courses are a fantastic opportunity for people to gain experience and skills which will help them find work in a sector which is of interest to them. Not only have the participants gained valuable qualifications, they can also take advantage of work tasters and work experience opportunities on offer.”

In a decade's time, Wales will need 20,000 more people to work in the care sector.

Social Care Wales is calling for more staff to support children, older people and those with disabilities. Communities For Work is working to upskill and support people into the industry to keep up with the growing demand for care services.

For further information regarding Communities For Work or to enrol on any of our pathway programmes please contact the office on 01352 704430.