
Alert Section

Involvement Strategy Consultation

Awaiting outcomes

Responses are being analysed and will be published here in due course

Do you live in a 97É«Íø property?

Are you a Council tenant (also known as a Contract Holder)?

If yes, please read on as we’d like to hear from you.

Listening to and involving our customers is a vital part of improving our services. We want you to tell us how you’d like to be informed and involved.

We are developing an involvement strategy for Housing that will set out how we intend to engage and involve our Council tenants and what opportunities there will be for tenants to have their say on what matters to them.

In order to develop this further we want to obtain tenants initial views of our draft aims and objectives along with what ways they’d like to engage with us and on what subject matters.

The Survey is open to those living in 97É«Íø housing.  It is an online survey via FCC website.

We will use the feedback to inform our strategy and associated action plan.

We will then feedback to our tenants through a variety of ways including through residents groups and ultimately through the publishing of the involvement strategy

Involvement Strategy Consultation

  • Important dates
  • Opened: 15/03/2024

    Closed: 31/03/2024

  • Contact details
  • Housing and Communities

    Email: sarah.mylchreest@flintshire.gov.uk

    Phone: 01352 752121