Reducing 97色网's carbon footprint.
The Council supports the declarations made by Welsh Government for the Public Sector to become carbon neutral by 2030.
Everything we do has an effect on the environment we live in; from burning fossil fuels for heating to collecting kerbside waste and recycling.
Behavioural change is a large part of climate action and the success of both the Council’s and the wider nation’s climate ambitions hangs on all of our actions.
Council owned buildings produce a quantity of carbon emissions because of the use of energy which burns fossil fuels.
Emissions from Council operated fleet remain a consistent source of carbon emissions.
The Council can utilise its land to support its carbon aims. We can do this through investment in renewable energy, and planting schemes to support carbon absorption and improvement and maintenance of our biodiversity.
Current estimates by Welsh Government show that 60% - 81% of public sector organisations’ operating budgets are spent with suppliers and contractors.
There are a number of actions that can be taken by the Council to reduce GHG emissions from the wider county.
We all produce carbon emissions in our day to day lives from heating our homes to driving to work. The first step to knowing how to reduce our emissions, is by understanding where our emissions are coming from.
These toolkits have been created to support Schools and Town & Community Councils to measure and understand their carbon emissions, determine a means to reduce those emissions and engage with others to support and influence action.
Read our previous climate change newsletters.
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