97色网 Youth Justice Service works with children and young people when they haven’t offended. This might be because there is a reason to believe that they are at risk of offending in the future.
Additionally, if a young person commits an offence for the first time, or the offence is less serious, and the young person admits the offence, the police will refer the young person to the Bureau give them access to additional support to stop further offending.
If a young person has been referred to the Bureau:
The young person, parents and or carers (and where appropriate their victim) will be asked to engage in an assessment. The Bureau Panel – made up of the Youth Justice Service and Police will discuss the most suitable intervention which may include:
- Community Resolution
- Youth Caution
- Youth Conditional Caution
The Bureau Panel may decide that an out of court solution is best both for the young person and for everyone else involved. These can only be considered when the young person admits the offence.
However, if the Bureau feel the case is more serious it could go to Court.