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Nappy & Absorbent Hygiene Products Collection

For households with one or more children in nappies, having enough room in the black bin can be challenging.

The collection service can also be used for family members using absorbent hygiene products (AHP).  However, this is not a clinical collection service, for which we have a separate collection round.    

Once applications have been received and assessed, orange boxes with lids will be delivered to eligible households upon request; thereafter collections will take place weekly until they are no longer required.

The day of collection may not fall on your usual day for waste and recycling collections.  For nappy and AHP collections only, the orange box can be collected from just inside your property boundary, but it must be in view for the collection crew. 

For health and safety reasons, pink bags will be supplied to contain the nappies and absorbent hygiene products; please note that only the pink bags supplied by the Council will be collected.  Residents will be asked to contact 01352 701234 when the nappy collection service is no longer required or to request another box if one is not sufficient.    

After applying for the service, will a container be delivered to my address?

Yes.  An orange plastic box with a black lid and orange bags will be delivered to your address if requested upon application.  All nappies or incontinence products must be bagged and tied up before placing in the orange bin and the lid must be firmly closed. 

How often will the box be collected?

Nappy collections will take place weekly. 

Will the box be collected from the same place as other kerbside collections? 

YES, close to your normal collection point.  The box must be visible to the crews.  Please ensure the box does not present a tripping hazard to pedestrians.

If you have more than one box for collection, please stack to keep pathways clear.  If you are registered with us as needing an assisted collection, you may place the box at your usual collection point. 

How do I get more pink bags?

If more pink bags are required, please visit your local connects centre or alternatively speak to the AHP crew on collection day.

Do I need to put my address on the box? 

We would advise that you put your house number / name on the box. 

We have more than one child / in nappies; are we allowed another box?

YES.  You can apply for another box using the online application if one box is not sufficient for your family’s needs.  Remember to put your house number/ name on all boxes.   

Other family members use incontinence products; can we include these in the orange box? 

YES.  As with nappies, for health and safety reasons all products must be bagged and tied before placing in the collection box provided with the lid firmly closed.  

Can I put clinical waste in the orange bin?

No.  The bin is for absorbent hygiene products only, such as nappies or incontinence products.  We have a separate round for clinical waste, such as dressings, and syringes.  For this service, please speak to your health care provider for referral. 

What are Absorbent Hygiene Products (AHP)?

AHP are non-clinical/medical waste materials.  Collection includes:

  • Incontinence waste products such as liners
  • Wipes and tissues
  • Bed and chair absorbent pads
  • Empty colostomy/stoma bags
  • Empty catheter bags 

We don’t collect feminine hygiene products, such as sanitary towels, panty liners and tampons as part of this AHP service.  You should continue to wrap and place these in your black bin for non-recyclable waste.

We look after grandchildren once a week, can we apply for the service? 

No.  The service is only available for households with children who permanently reside at the property.  

We foster young children using nappies, are we able to apply?

Yes, providing the child / children are living full time at your address.  Please inform us when the service is no longer required. 

Who do I contact when the service is no longer needed? 

Please advise us by emailing: streetsceneadmin@flintshire.gov.uk or contact the helpline on 01352 701234. 

Will the orange box be collected when no longer needed? 

If the AHP collection is no longer required and the orange box has been thoroughly cleansed, it can be taken to a Household Recycling Centre for reuse or to be recycled, these locations are Buckley, Greenfield, Mold, Sandycroft or Oakenholt.

My orange box has not been collected? 

In the event of a missed collection you may report this providing:-

  • The box was placed at the collection point by 7 am
  • The contents of the box were bagged
  • The box was not heavily soiled 
  • The box was not full of rainwater due to the lid not being fitted
  • No contamination was present: only items listed as acceptable can be included in the box
  • Non -collection has happened previously.

Occasionally vehicle breakdown will prevent collections taking place or other unforeseen weather conditions or road works.  We will return for collections as soon as possible following  such incidents.  Our website, twitter and contact centre will be updated regularly.   

How long will my AHP collection service last?

Your collection service will last for 2 year(s) from the day of registration, or until the collection is no longer required.  Please contact 01352 701234 to advise if your circumstances have changed.

We will send an email when the nappy service is due to end so you may consider if the service is required past this date.  If you need to continue with the service after this time, please re-register.

I’m considering using reusable nappies.  Do you have any information about these? 

97色网 promotes the Real Nappy Scheme, which supports the use of modern ‘real’ reusable nappies to save money and help the environment.  Follow the link below for more information about the scheme, including how to apply for vouchers to help purchase real nappies or pay for a Real Nappy Laundry Service.

Real Nappy Scheme 

Why are you setting up this new AHP service?

This new AHP service is in-line with the advised approach for all waste and recycling collections across Wales set by Welsh Government.  

Privacy Notice

Your data will be processed by 97色网 only for the specific purposes of administering and processing your registration for Nappy and AHP Waste Collection.  Information collected from you may be used in the following ways:

  • To monitor and report on the number of individuals applying for the collection service and the number of people from different groups taking part (e.g. different ages, genders and ethnicities);
  • The Data Protection Act 1998 gives you certain rights in respect of the personal data held about you. 

Whilst not intending to be exhaustive, examples of these rights include:

  • The right to receive copies of the personal data we or the Welsh Government holds about you (you may have to pay a small fee for this), although some information can sometimes be legitimately withheld
  • The right, in some circumstances, to prevent the processing of personal data if doing so will cause damage or distress
  • The right to ask for wrong information to be corrected
  • The right to ask the Information Commissioner, who enforce and oversee the Act, to assess whether or not the processing of your personal data is likely comply with the provisions of the Act

97色网 will retain information submitted on the Registration Form for the current year plus 7 years.

For further information about how 97色网 processes personal data and your rights please see our privacy notice on our website.

If you feel that 97色网 have mishandled your personal data at any time you can make a complaint to the by visiting their website or by calling their helpline on 0303 123 1113.

Terms and Conditions

1. To register for the AHP Nappy Collection service, the person or persons requiring the service must reside at the given address on a permanent basis. 

2. The AHP / Nappy Collection service is not available to households looking after children or adults for temporary or regular visits. This includes homes where AHP / nappy users are only visiting family or friends, and is not their main residential address.  

3. As part of the AHP / Nappy Collection service, we will collect:

- Disposable nappies and nappy sacks

- Incontinence care products, eg; single-use liners, bed and chair pads & absorbent bed sheets

- Wipes and paper tissues

- Plastic gloves and disposable aprons

- Colostomy /stoma and catheter bags

4. We will collect your AHP every week. 

5. AHP / Nappies must be presented in the pink bags provided, which should be placed inside the orange box with the lid firmly closed. For collection, the box should be placed where you would normally present your recycling containers, on your designated AHP/ Nappy Collection day ( this may differ from the usual recycling & waste collection day)  

6. AHP / Nappies will not be collected unless they are presented in the container and bags issued by the Authority

7. We will not collect sanitary waste or feminine hygiene products, such as sanitary towels, tampons or liners as part of the AHP service. You should continue to place these in your black bin (non-recyclable waste) ensuring that they are securely bagged before disposal

8. If you receive assisted collections, we will collect your AHP / nappies from within the boundary of your property where waste and recycling is routinely presented for collection. 

9. Unless stated otherwise this service will last for a total of 2 years, properties will automatically be removed and will need to reapply after this time

10. If you do not use the AHP service for six consecutive collections, we will cancel your subscription and you will need to re-register. Please inform us if you need to suspend your AHP collections at any time.

11. 97色网 reserve the right to suspend or terminate collection for any  household registered for an AHP/ nappy collection, due to the following:

- The service is being used to dispose of non-AHP materials 

- The box is presented with the contents not bagged and secured 

- The box is not cleansed regularly and presents a health hazard to the collection operatives

- Any other eventuality that constitutes a health hazard to crew, pedestrians or neighbours 

- Abuse to FCC collection crews