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Roundabout Sponsorship

97色网 has introduced a roundabout sponsorship scheme. This scheme is intended to:

  • raise the quality of the environment by improving the appearance of roundabouts;
  • improve the image of the County as a vibrant and high-quality location for business; and
  • promote the range of high quality businesses already located here.

Companies will be able to sponsor a roundabout in the County and see their company promoted in these highly-visible locations as a result.

Companies will be able to promote their company name, logo and website and highlight their particular service or product on one of our roundabouts. There are various locations around 97色网 which companies can choose from. Sponsorship funds will go towards the maintenance and development of the roundabouts and wider regeneration that will make a significant impact on the area.

Which roundabouts can be sponsored?

Not all of the roundabouts in 97色网 are available for sponsorship. Technical reasons prevent a small number from being included in the scheme. The available roundabouts are shown on the accompanying map.

There are roundabouts available across the County and many of them are located on some ofthe busiest and most high profile routes.

What’s involved in sponsorship?

FCC is seeking the best results for the County in terms of improving the environment and image. Some roundabouts are small and feature only a grass centre. Others are much larger and higher-profile and might be able to accommodate improved landscaping and the installation of visual features that reflect the character and economy of 97色网. FCC wants to work with the business community to bring as many roundabouts as possible into the sponsorship scheme, upgrading their appearance wherever possible.

Sponsorship will involve companies contributing to the improvement and upkeep of roundabouts in the County. Signs will be installed on sponsored roundabouts to acknowledge the role of the company and to enable the company to raise their profile locally.

FCC will promote the roundabout sponsorship scheme in the local press to further highlight the role of companies in the County.

How do companies get involved?

FCC is seeking expressions of interest from companies that are interested in sponsoring a roundabout. There is a simple form available that companies can return to FCC if they would like to sponsor certain roundabouts. This form does not commit the company to anything at this stage.

For each roundabout sponsors will be agreed on a first come basis.

Costs of sponsorship

The different roundabouts in 97色网 have been banded into two groups (A & B) to reflect their location and traffic flows. The costs of a basic sponsorship package for each Band are shown below:

  • Band A - £2958.43 per annum
  • Band B - £2958.43 per annum

This basic package covers the costs of designing and installing signage on the roundabout to acknowledge the company providing sponsorship and covers the maintenance of those signs.

FCC reserves the right to remove the signs & landscape features if for operational reasons this becomes necessary.

Further information

If you would like further information about the roundabout sponsorship scheme please contact Peter Hayes on 07919 166279.

Notes on sponsorship

Selection of companies

  • Attached is a map to show the locations of roundabouts. The roundabouts available for sponsorship are marked in blue with a corresponding number.
  • FCC intends that there will be only one sponsor for a roundabout at a time.
  • Sponsorship will be agreed on a first-come basis.
  • If a company is unsuccessful in being selected to sponsor a roundabout then their details will be kept on file should a particular roundabout become available in the future.
  • FCC reserves the right to withhold roundabouts from sponsorship if suitable agreement cannot be reached with an interested company.
  • FCC also reserves the right to withdraw roundabouts from the scheme if it later becomes necessary. Companies will be able to sponsor a roundabout in the County and see their company promoted in these highly-visible locations as a result.

The sponsorship agreement will not be binding upon either party until a contract is agreed and signed by both.

Acknowledgement of sponsors

Roundabout sponsors will be acknowledged in FCC publicity about the scheme and on the FCC web site.

As part of the sponsorship scheme signs will be installed by FCC on the roundabout to acknowledge the company contribution. This signage will be designed similar to Highways specification and will be able to feature the company logo, name and a small number of words. The images and words on signs will be subject to FCC approval.

Terms and conditions

A full set of terms and conditions for the roundabout sponsorship scheme will form part of the contract between the sponsor and the Council. Key headline terms include:

  • All works on sponsored roundabouts will be subject to prior Planning consent being obtained by the Council.
  • In the event of any roundabout sign or landscape feature being shown to have contributed to a road traffic collision then the features may be removed and the sponsorship contract ended for that roundabout.
  • In order to create a fair spread of opportunity for businesses, FCC reserves the right to limit the number of roundabouts one company can sponsor